~6~ Bowling and... Bed?

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SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKERS! It's a non-Wednesday upload because why the hell not. I should be writing my English Comp paper but instead I'm uploading this chapter. Enjoy!

Maya's POV (Time jump to the day of the date)

"Farkle! I know you're a guy and you don't do these kinds of things, but, help me pick an outfit?" I throw several articles of clothing on my bed.

"Why does it matter? It's just bowling. However, since it is bowling, you should consider wearing something that is movable and breathable. Like jeans, or something." I look at what's sprawled out on the bed and see some distressed black skinnies.

"These ought to do it. Right? Now I just need a shirt. How about this?" I hold up a worn out My Chemical Romance t-shirt.

"Nah, too worn out. Too many holes. Got anything newer?" He scans over the shirts on the bed. "What about that crop top?" He points at a Panic! At The Disco crop top that I've never worn.

"PERFECT!" I yell excitedly. I quickly run into my closet and throw on the outfit, along with my signature leather platform combat boots and leather jacket. "How should I wear my hair?" I say walking back out, but Farkle is already gone. "I guess I'll just wear it down. Maybe a snapback?" I say out loud to no one in particular. I look through my collection and settle on the least punk snapback I own, which is black with a blue bill that has pink flowers on it and a simple embroidered Stitch on it. I head out the door and to the bowling alley.

Riley's POV

I'm nervous. She hasn't shown up yet. I mean. I shouldn't be nervous because she's not here. It's only 6:55pm. Technically she still has five minutes before she's late. I start fidgeting with the zipper on my jacket. It helps calm me down and distract me.

"Hey cutie." I snap my head up to look at her. "You seem a little distracted." She holds out her hand and I take it.

"I was, but I'm not now. It's all eyes on you, Hart."

"Good. Now let's get some shoes and a lane so we can have some fun," she says as she pulls me inside behind her. "What size do you wear?" We arrive at the counter.

"A pair of sevens for me, please." A boy about our age hands them to me, before he turns around to grab Maya's, I catch a glance of his name tag. His name is Lucas.

"Alright then ladies, you get lane 6." Maya starts to drag me away but stops. She tuns over her shoulder.

"Thanks Huckleberry." We continue over to our lane and start bowling. I'm nervous because I've never bowled before... I start playing with my zipper again, distracting myself. "Riley. Riles. Helloooo?" Maya waves a hand in front of my face.


"It's your turn."

"Oh. Um, Maya? I, uh, I've never, uh, I've never bowled before.." I trail off.

"Oh. Well it's easy. Come here. All you gotta do, is take your middle finger and your ring finger and put them in the top two holes, and put your thumb in the bottom hole. Then you just walk up to that black line and roll the ball down the lane. I'll help you." She walks me up to the line and positions me. She presses her body against the back of mine and I blush, though she can't see that. Then, she guides my arm down and back. "When your arm goes forward, release the ball." Then she swings my arm forward and we watch the ball roll down the lane, knocking over all the pins.

"Maya! I knocked them all over!"

"Good job creampuff!" I blush again and then we continue bowling. The night goes on.

~time skip a few hours~

It's been hours but it feels like seconds. Time just passes so smoothly in the presence of Maya Hart. We walk home and go up to her apartment. She takes us to her room and puts on some music and lights some candles. She lays on her bed and looks out her window while I stand there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

"Riles. Come lay with me?" It comes out more like a question than a demand, so I take off my jacket and my shoes and lay down with her, resting my head on her chest. Soon enough I feel my eyes get heavy and the edges of my vision start to fade as I fall asleep.

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