~7~ Second dates?

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Riley's POV

I wake up in a strange room. It's cold. I look around and remember where I am, but I seem to have no recollection of what happened last night. Suddenly I hear someone fidgeting with the door knob and I pretend to be asleep. It's silent and all I feel is the bed sink a little next to me. "Riley, if only you knew.. if I could only tell you.. but I can't because then I'd be forced to do something I don't want to ever do to you." The bed moves a little and then I feel the warmth of her breath on my face and a tingling sensation spreads slowly throughout my body from where her lips landed on my forehead. "God, you're all so cute when you're sleeping." I decide now is a good time to 'wake up.' I let my eyes flutter open and I'm met with crystal oceans staring back at me. "Good morning Riles." I yawn.

"Morning Maya. What happened last night?"

"Well, we went bowling. I kicked your ass a lot. We came back to my place and then we curled up on the bed and fell asleep."

"Thank god." I let out the breath I was holding. "I thought for a moment that we might have..."

"Not a chance creampuff. I don't seduce those I'm courting on the first date. It's impolite. I only allow such things after a second date, should there be one."

"Well, I definitely want a second date Maya. How about this? Does it count as a second date if we go out for breakfast?"

Maya's POV

Of course she would want to go out to breakfast. However, me being as brilliant as I am, thought ahead. You see, Lucas is a warlock. A very great warlock, especially for a young age. I've been doing this for years now. "I guess it counts as a second date."

"Well then Miss Maya Penelope Hart, would you like to have breakfast with me?"

"Whatever you want Riles." I know what you're thinking, I'm a nightwalker, I can't possibly go into the sunlight, right? Wrong. Lucas is a very good warlock and together he and I have created an enchantment that, when I feel like it, I can use to go in the sun. Of course, the enchantment is exactly that. An enchantment. Meaning it must be placed on an object. "Let's get ready to go then honey." The easiest thing to enchant using this enchantment? A pair of sunglasses. I put them on and grab a SnapBack. "You ready Riley?

"Yeah peaches, let's go." I grab her hand and together we leave.

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