Chapter 9

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3 Days Later...

Hopper and I are still searching for a sign where the Cave is.
But we can't find anything.
Not even one Sign.
It's like...There wouldn't be a Cave.
But there is one I know it!
And i'm going to find it!

"Are you sure that she is in a Cave?" Ask The chief
"Yes I know it...maybe she isn't in Hawkins anymore! Can you check the Citys near us Maybe she is some where there!" I say
"Hm i don't know kid, it's been a year now she could be every where!" means Hopper
"I know but could you? Please?" I ask him
"Okay Fine! But you'll go to sleep now, you look like you haven't slept since days!"
"That's because I didn't, and fine I'll go"

I said goodbye to the chief and walk upstairs in my Room.
I change my clothes and lay in my Bed
"I have to find her, if we only had a clue were she could be" i think and beginn to sleep.

Mikes Dream: (the "dream" really happens)

"Mike...Mike..." El says with a weak voice and lays in a Cave, hugging her legs
"EL!" i scream and Run to her and sit down so that I'm right in front of her and she beggins to talk "Mike..i-it's n-not s-save h-h-here...go" "No El I won't leave you! Not now, not ever! I-i love you I can't- I can't lose you! Not again" now i started to cry. I take her hand and continue talking "I promised you something, remember?" "The..s-snow-b-ball?..." "Yes, El the Snowball and that you can Live with me and my Family and Nancy she'll be like your new sister! And I'm not going to break this promise you hear me!? I'M going to find you and bring you home!"
"P-promise?" Ask El with a weak and broken voice "Promise!" I say and El and Let go of my Hand "He is coming...Go!"
"He? Who? EL! who is he?" She just starts to panic "Mike...please WAKE UP!" "EL what are you talking about? Who is there? Who is he? What-" i ask shocked "Mike i-i'm in a cave underground! And this man took me...h-he wants to bring me back to papa, but you have to WAKE UP NOW! Or he'll finds out!" "What do you mean wake up? EL!"
Suddenly El just dissapears and Everything is Black "MIKE! WAKE UP!" i hear a voice Saying but I don't know where this voice comes from "WAKE UP!"

I Wake Up and see Nancy standing in front of me. "Finally! Are you okay? You were screaming for El" she tells me and i realise that i'm sweating and look around me "what?" I ask confused "I-I did what? I wasn't with El IT WAS JUST A DREAM!?" now i'm screaming and Panicking "Mike calm down! It's okay I've got you" she tries to calm me down and hugs me, i of course hug her back and start to cry in her shoulders.
I pull away and start to talk "I-I think it wasn't a dream Nancy...I think it was real..again. she told me that She is in a Cave underground and then this Guy! He took her! A-And he wants to bring her back to the Lab to Dr.Brenner I can't let him do that I have to stop him!"
I try to stand up but Nancy stops me "Mike it's 2 am you can't go searching for her now, you can't see right now anyway it's dark have to wait until Later OK? Now lay down and try to sleep you need it!"

She is right it's too dark to see now anyway I have to wait until tomorrow and try to sleep i need my power for the search.

I lay in my Bed again and try to sleep but don't stop to think about El
What does this man want from Her? And why does he want to brink her back to this monster? Who is he? Damn i would wish to punch him in his Face!, Where is the Cave? Is he going to hurt her? I hope not.

And I fell to sleep.


New Chapter! I hope you liked it😊
~ Sarah-Jane💙

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