Chapter 15

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I'm in this hell since 2 days already and still didn't found a way out of here.

They only come 3 times a day to me to give me food and that's it.
And i'm no longer in the room with the chair and table, they actually Gave me a room with a bed and a bathroom. It's small but better than nothing.

I hope at least El okay.

I lay on the bed thinking about El and about last year we we both laughed together.

she was just with me.

I feel like a huge part of me is gone when El isn't with me.

I feel alone.

I need her.

She is like Air for me I can't live without her.

Suddenly the door opens and 2 men's run in and take me.


I scream and try to free me but it's impossible they are too strong.


I kick with my legs and arms but they still carry me. (Just like El in season 1 in the Lab)

A door opens to a room with 2 chairs and 1 table like last time. They put me on one chair and I can see another person on the other chair. I can't see who but I guess i'll soon gonna find out.

They put me on handcuffs and walk out again. They leave me here with that other person on the chair.

"H-Hello?" I ask and the person looks to me

"Mike..." She says with a soft voice

"EL! omg are you okay"

I ask her worried

She nods and gets tears in her eyes
"Hey it's okay i'm here"

I try to reach her hand and first fail but then it worked.

I now hold her Hand.

"I'm gonna find a way out of here okay. I promise."

I say and start to tear up too. She nods and looks down

"El...Look me in my eyes...Please..."

She looks up again

"What ever should happen next I want you to know I will always love you. I love you El."
I start to cry.
I just want to hold her in my arms and tell her everything is going to be okay.

I wanna kiss her and make her save.

I just want her to be okay.

suddenly my chair starts to move and now i'm right in front of El.

She used her power so we can be close.

I don't think twice and kiss her.

she is first shocked but then kisses me even back.

We kiss for 5 seconds and then break the kiss but lean our heads on each others so we can look in our eyes.

"I love you" I say and she kiss me.

"I love you too."

She says and 2 men's come in (the same like before) and take my chair back to it's old place.

I fight and fight but they are WAY WAY stronger.

Now i'm not even holding El's Hand anymore.

I try to reach it but it's too far away.
We both tear up again but then the same men who took El comes in again.

"What do you want from us!?" I ask now angry.

"I want her powers I wanna do something that isn't possible. Something that NO ONE could do too. And then i'm gonna rule the world."

"And that's what?" I ask

"Her powers. I can do so much with that. But I know she won't help us that's why you are here." he stops.

One man comes in front of me and puts me something around my neck and walks away.

"What Is this!?" I ask

"That my friend will hurt you really really bad if your girlfriend don't do what I want." He smirks and turns around to Eleven.

"Kill him!" He says and points to an soldier that stands in the room next to the door.

She doesn't move and start to get tears in her eyes.

"No." She whispers

"What did you say? KILL HIM! RIGHT NOW!" he screams

She looks at me with tears in her eyes.

I shake my head to signal her to not do it and whisper that she don't have to care about me because I'm going to be fine.

"Fine..." The bad man says

"Level 2!" he screams

"AHHHHHHHH" I scream.

And then is everything black.


Yup i'm still alive sorry I haven't been updating lately.
I already saw S2 and all this in my ff is so wrong and not true 😂 I feel so stupid now but doesn't mean I will not stop writing it. I will continue😊
Thank you for anyone who reads my Story YOU ARE THE BEST and I hope you like it 😃💙
I know i'm not the best but I'm just a 14 old girl from Germany what do you expect? 😂😂
~ Sarah Jane 💖

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