Chapter 13

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Mike is now missing since 2 Days and we all think we know were he went: To save Eleven.

We have no idea why he isn't back because if he really did find Her than he actually should be back by now but he isn't and i think something nad happend.

The worst part is Mom she didn't slept in the last 2 days and is really worried, I'm worried too and I need to find out what happend so Jonathan,Steve and me are driving to this old house were the Cave should be to look for him.

"There is it!" Says Steve and stops the car. We all leave the Car and look around us "And where is the cave now?" Ask Jonathan and I just search even faster for it until "Guys...look I think I found it!"

They run to me while I open the door "Nancy wait for us!" Screams Steve and I look in the Cave "He was here"
"What?" Ask Jonathan "Mike. He was here i know it. We have to go in COME ON let's go!" I say and walk inside.

I look around me and find nothing "Nancy he isn't here-" "i know but he was I know it!" "Okay then let's look for a clue, if he really was here there has to be something left here." Says Jonathan and start to Search so do i and Steve.

"Guys we are now searching for a clue for 30min now and we still didn't find anything." Says Steve and i look to him "there has to be something steve, we just have to search better!" "Nancy, steve is right we haven't find anything let's go and search somewhere else" agrees Jonathan with Steve.

"Come here" says steve and gives me a hug "we are going to find him OK? He is fine he can take care of himself"  i close my eyes and Open them again and Can't believe what I see. I let go of steve and run as fast as I can to Mikes walkie talkie that lays on the ground.
"GUYS I FOUND SOMETHING!" i scream and tears begun to form in my Eyes.

I take his walkie in my hand and turn around to Steve and Jonathan "This is Mikes walkie talkie! I've told you he was here!" The Boys are shocked and look to me.

"Now let's find my Brother!" I say and walk out the Cave.

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