Chapter 10

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Hopper told us that he maybe knows where the Cave is since i've told him about the information that El gave me. It's not much but he did it!

Right now Nacy is driving me over to the Police Station were Hopper is already waiting for us so that he can tell us about his Plan. We are almost there when Nancy suddenly starts a conversation with me "So what sre we doing to do with Mum if we find her"
"When we find her!" I correct her "and i don't know, we have to tell her sooner or later but-" she interrupts me "Mike i think it would be the best if we tell her straight when we'll come home after we found her." She tells me and I think about and she is right it's been already 1 year and My Mum always ask me what I mean with 'Eleven' (she doesn't know that El is a person) and it's time that she knows "Okay fine We tell her when we come home WITH El!" I agree and we finally arrive at the Police Station

We leave the car and Walk in the building "agh finally we are now all together so let's begging..."

Hopper told us his Plan and how we gonna get in there and out without the guy noticing us, but he said we have to wait 5 days until we can go and Save her and that is WAY to LONG for me.

When he said we would rescue her in 5 days I run out of the Police Station into the woods and cried. How can he do this to me? Why waiting so long when we can help her now!? I ask myself and cry even harder.

That's when it was enough for me.

I run Home and fill my backpack with 1 Eggo box,2 water bottles, my walkie talkie,a knife (so that i can protect myself),a jacket for E,1 flashlight and another eggos Box.

I take my Bike and ride away before anyone can notice than i am on my Way to rescue El.



This is it Mike is on his Way to El alone... what in the world could bad happen right?
~ Sarah-Jane 💙

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