Chapter 1

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Juvia's P.O.V.

I walked out of Fairy Tail with a smile on my face, hair bobbing with every step. I opened the familiar door of home and stepped inside. I heard a noise from the kitchen and went to investigate.

"Long time, no see, Juvia.", I heard as I walked in. I glared.

"Go away. You're not wanted.", I told my unwanted guest.

He put on a face of mock horror,"You just stabbed me in the heart, Juvia.", He got up from the wooden chair he was sitting on and walked towards me. "But we both kow you want me." He wrapped his long fingers around my wrist.

"Go away. Juvia doesn't need you. Juvia never did. Now go.", I told him, looking into his eyes.

"I don't think so." He smirked, leaning closer and closer, keeping me pinned against a wall.

"Get away!", I yelled, pushing him off me and sprinting for the door. My only exit was blocked by a figure in the doorway.

"Now, now, Juvia. You're not normally this cold. What's wrong?", My guest smirked as he came closer and closer. "Did Gray do something to you?"

"He did nothing, it's you who's in the wrong.", I spat.

Before I could turn around, a gloved hand clamped down over my mouth and nose, blocking the supply of oxygen. I crumpled do the floor, losing consiousness.


???'s P.O.V

I smiled at Juvia's unconsious form, she was so beautiful, that's why I love her. Gray doesn't deserve a girl like her. I picked her up in my arms and carried her to the car, sliding her into the back seat. I noticed a flash of gold around her neck. I slipped my hands around a gold clasp and removed a gold chain. Dangling from the thin chain was a diamond, perfectly cut, obviously Gray cut the diamond, I couldn't mistake that workmanship.

I walked back inside and placed the necklace on the table, gem resting on the chain. I slipped a note underneath it's coiled metal and smiled, Gray's going to blow it when he finds out. I climbed back into the car, and sped off. "You're mine now." I whispered to Juvia, whose wrists had been bound behind her back. "And you're never going back." I stroked her hair as we drove away from Mangolia and towards home.


Gray's P.O.V.

I walked to Juvia's house with a spring in my step, the box for the ring pressing against my leg. I was so excited, today was the day I planned to propose to Juvia. I knocked at her door, but was surprised when it swung open at my touch. I crept inside, walking past photos of us.

I walked into the kitchen and picked up the pendant on the table. She never took it off. Something happened to her? Where is she? Who did this? Why? A tear ran down my cheek as I thought of her smiling face this morning, beautiful and perfect, now she's gone. There was a note underneath it, I read it and more tears came flowing down my face. I slipped the necklace and note into my pocket as I walked back to the guild.

I pushed open the doors of Fairy Tail, earning stares. "He's supposed to be with Juvia.", Natsu muttered to Lucy who nodded."Wonder what happened." 

"Hope they didn't fight.", Erza whispered.

"I think it's worse." Cana whispered to her.

"They broke up?" Lucy wondered.

"Seems worse.", Fried replied.

"What the hell is worse that that?", Evergreen snarled at him.

I spoke up,"Some son of a bitch taking her from right under our noses the night I was going to propose. That's what." The guild became silent. I stood in front of the bar, towering over master,"We need to find her."

"There is nothing we can do.", He said smoothly.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO!? SHE COULD BE IN DANGER, YOU STUPID OLD MAN!" I yelled, unable to believe my ears."If you won't do anything about this, I'll do it myself." I threw the piece of paper onto master's lap and walked away. I heard unfolding and someone gasp.

"Oh, no. Mirajane, please, read it out loud for the whole guild to hear." I turned to see Master giving the note to Mirajane, who unfolded it and began:


for some time now I have known you, and I hear you have found yourself someone to take Ur's place in your heart, a certain Juvia Loxar. I wonder though, does she mean anything to you at all? To prove that she does, I've set up a little challenge for you.

You have one week to find Juvia, or she stays with me forever. I do not kid, Gray, you should know that by now.

One week, or she's mine.

And that's all. Oh, Gray, I'm so sorry.", Mirajane walked up to me and wrapped her arms around me in a hug."We'll find her."

"Then we better leave now!" Natsu jumped up."Let's go find her!" 

"Natsu, how the hell are we going to look all over Fiore in a week!?", Lucy questioned.

"She was here this morning, they couldn't have gone far."

"Search the nearby cities, and the guilds too." Erza yelled, and soon the guild was empty.

"I'm going to Lamia Scale.", I said walking out the door,"I know someone there."

"Good luck! We'll send a message if she comes back." Mirajane called out.

"Yes, please."I told her. I rolled the chain through my fingers, thinking about her face. I hoped she was safe, at least. Please, please be alright.

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