Chapter 2

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Hi! This is NOT connected to the other fairy tail fan fictions in any way, shape or form. Thankyou. Now enjoy XD


Juvia's P.O.V.

I woke up on a soft bed in a dark room. There was wire around the only window, and that was letting little sunlight in. There was a steel band around my left wrist, and a thin chain led from that to the wall beside the bed. A quick tug told me it was stuck fast.

"I wouldn't do that, if I were you.", My captor smiled from the oposite end of the room.

"What do you want from Juvia?", I asked, hoping this was all a dream.

"I want you to stay here with me.", He blushed, looking away, "But I can settle for revenge."

I gasped, realising what he was going to do, "Please, no, don't hurt Gray-sama."

""Gray-sama", you're adorable, Juvia, really. No wonder he can't resist you."

"Please, don't hurt him. He did nothing wrong. Please, leave him alone!", I begged, looking up into his eyes.

"He did do something wrong; he kept us apart, Juvia. He can't do it again.", My only company whispered into my ear as his palm held my cheek. "That's why I'm making sure he can't find you."

"No, NO!" I tore out of his ice-cold palm,"Juvia told you before and she'll tell you again; Juvia doesn't need or want you." I curled up into a ball and moved away from him. He just sat down next to me, putting his arms around me.

"Juvia." He began.

I glared at him,"Just go."  He left the room and shut the door, locking it. The moment the door was locked, the chain on my hand disappeared. I rubbed the spot where the cuff was, the skin red. That was all just to protect him? A wizard like him, one who can stop all my attacks, needed protection? I frowned, how long was I going to be here for? Would I ever get out?


Gray's P.O.V.

I walked through the doors of Lamia Scale the next day. I searched the room for the one person I still trusted. I spotted the white head of hair and headed towards it. "Lyon?", I asked the familiar guy.

"Gray, what are you doing here?", Lyon asked, his arms around his friend, Sherry. I met Lyon when I was taken in by Ur, an ice wizard who trained the two of us together. When she died, we went our separate ways, we've had a few recent jobs together, but that's all we saw of each other. He's like an older brother to me.

"Lyon," I started, sitting down next to my fellow student,"You're one of the few people I trust right now. I need you're help."

"What happened now? Dragon blow up the guild?", He chuckled.

"Somebody kidnapped Juvia.", I choked out," I have a week to find her. I can't lose her, Lyon. I love her so much, dammit. I was going to propose to her last night."

Lyon patted my shoulder,"Gray, smile dammit, do you think she would want you to mope around like this? We've gotta find her, come on." He stood up and gestured for me to follow, I didn't get up."Gray?"

"They're close to me, Lyon. What do I do? I couldn't hurt them, even though they took Juvia away from me. I'm not like that.", I explained, face in palms.

"You'll know, now c'mon, we're wasting time!", Lyon pulled me up and messed my hair, causing it to spike up.

"You bastard.", I joked, pushing him over. He laughed as he got back up.

"That's the Gray I know.", He smiled. I smiled back, Lyon's not that bad when he's happy. But why was he so happy, his brother in arms was going to propose to the girl of his dreams.

"Hang on, you aren't jealous of me and Juvia being together anymore?", I asked, looking at Lyon.

"Nope. I realised something, I only loved her as a friend, you get me?", He explained.

"Oh, right. Didn't seem that way.", I pointed out. He pushed me and I laughed as I got back up.


Lyon's P.O.V.

I looked at Gray, he loves Juvia so much, it hurts to break it up. But I love Juvia, and I will do anything to keep her with me when we find her, even if it means fooling Gray she's safe.



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