Chapter 6

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HEEEEEEEY!!! See I am following my order (for now MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! XD)


Juvia's P.O.V.

"Laxus, what are you doing here?", I quickly lowered my voice so Midnight couldn't hear me. I crept towards the open window and looked at the dragon slayer's face.

"We came looking for you.", he explained, winking.

"We?", I looked out of the window and below the window frame. I smiled at the four other wizards assembled below; Freed, a rune master, Bixlow, a powerful, yet extremely perverted wizard. Beside them was Evergreen, a mage who's eyes turned people to stone. My eyes darted to the blue-haired wizard who looked out of place,"LEVY!!". It felt much better seeing someone I know there. She waved up to me, smiling.

"She didn't look that happy when she saw me,"Bixlow muttered.

"JUVIA!! WE'VE LOOKED EVERYWHERE FOR YOU!!", Levy yelled, bouncing up and down."Freed, gimmie a lift." The Solid Script wizard jumped on his shoulders, Freed swore at her sudden weight on his shoulders, and, using them as a springboard, grabbed the windowsill."How are you? Have they done anything to you? Who did this?"

"Juvia is fine, Midnight did this.", I told her, smiling.

"You didn't answer my other question, Juvia. What did he do to you?", Levy had a rare serious moment, looking right at me.

"He, he, um, he...", I faded off.

"Did he hurt you, Juvia?", Evergreen appeared out of nowhere, her faery wings sprouted.

"Sort of, well, yes.", I sighed, my head resting on my hands.

"What the hell did he do?", Freed used his runes to lift him and Bixlow to the three-storey window.

"He, he kissed Juvia, and told Juvia he loved her.", I looked at the five wizards who had suddenly lost the capability of talking and blinking.

"What. The. Hell?", Levy whispered, recovering first.

"That was-", Bixlow started.

"Crazy.", Freed finished his sentence.

"You can say that again.", Laxus nodded. "Well, c'mon, climb out, and we'll leave."

"I don't think that's a good idea, Laxus." Evergreen threw a stone at the open window. The second it touched the inside of the window, the smooth rock disintegrated."The sick bastard put runes around the place, only certain people get in or out."

"Good thing we have Levy and Freed, eh?", Bixlow smiled, his Fairy Tail mark on his tongue visible. *Author's Note: YES I FIND IT CREEPY THAT HIS MARK IS ON HIS TOUNGE!!!!!*

"It's not as simple as that. It's got at least three layers on it, about a day each layer, and that's Levy and I working all day and night at the same time.", Freed frowned, scanning the now-visible wall of runes. He lightly touched it and received a small electric shock, making his green hair stand on end. He quickly brushed it down.

"You saying you can't crack it?", Laxus asked, looking at the Raijinshuu member.

"He can, Laxus, it will just take time.", Levy scolded, softly hitting him on the shoulder.

"We don't have time! Gray and the others will be here any day now and -", Laxus yelled.

"Gray-sama's coming? No, NO! HE CAN'T COME! He'll get hurt!", I collapsed onto my knees, sobbing."Juvia won't let him."

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