Chapter 7

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Allo people! The latest chappy is here! Enjoy!


Midnight's P.O.V.

I looked at Juvia, curled up in a ball at the far corner of the room. I'm glad that I didn't connect with Gray this time, that was a moment between Juvia and I only. I swiftly left the room, closing and locking the door behind me.

"Midnight.", I turned and looked into the eyes of my fellow member, Racer."I'm beginning to worry about the point of this. I believe the goal has changed."

"Changed?", I raised my eyebrows."Follow me, we'll talk privately, she might hear.", I led Racer to my study, where I sat at my desk, tracing the engraving with my finger.

"I believe that we've lost sight of our goal.", He restated, standing in front of me.


"I believe our goal has changed from the original destruction of the flies to, *cough* the girl."

"Come again?"

Racer stood up straighter,"I believe we have lost our path, and have taken a new one heading in a different direction." I looked up at the wizard, who stiffened at my gaze. One quick flick of my hand and Racer was on his knees, choking. I wound the material tighter and tighter, only stopping when his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he stopped struggling. I released my magic, and watched as his body fell to the floor, empty.

"You would have gotten in the way of my true plans, Racer. It was necessary.", I said to his lifeless body, smiling.

"Midnight, what have you done?", I looked up and saw Brain standing in the doorframe, his eyes wide.

"He would have messed with my plans.", I stated, my voice unfazed.

"Midnight, he was simply asking a question. But because of what you've just done, I'm beginning to think that you've become connected to the fly.", My father raised his eyebrows, pryingly.

"Her name is Juvia, Father. Is it too much to ask, you saying her name and not that degrading stereotype?", I snarled."Do not cross me, I am much more powerful than you, and we both know it."

"Midnight, stop this. It is all going to your head, all this stress. Let me take over."

"NO!", I flicked my hands, and material began wrapping around his throat,"I can do this, I'll show you. You've always degraded me, put me down. Now, is the time that I take charge, I call the shots.", My tone did not change once, not when my father attempted to pull at his bonds, not when he gasped my name, not when he died. I stepped over his body and walked to the door, closing it. Angel will find it soon enough.

I waited outside in the garden, watching the fish swimming in the crystal clear pond, life so simple, so easy. I gazed at the cherry blossom trees, constantly waiting for Angel's scream, and just as the sun set, it came. Piercing the silent afternoon, one that could send shivers down a person's spine.

"MIDNIGHT! MIDNIGHT! MIDNIGHT WHERE ARE YOU!?", Angel's shrill voice rang though the house, impossible to ignore.

"Angel, I'm out here.", I called. Her white hair appeared, followed by her relieved face. Why was she so happy to see me?

"Midnight, you're alive.", She whispered, running to my side. She wrapped her arms around my torso,"I thought you were dead."

I pulled her beside me and decided to play dumb,"Dead?"

"You're father and Racer are dead in your study. I'm worried, what if it's the girl?"

"She could never hurt us.", I said, stroking her hair, trying to calm her down.

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