Chapter 10

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Juvia: Um, Author, you have it wrong. Gray-sama is not suicidal.

Gray: Actually, Juvia, I would if you died *blush* I can't live without someone like you. *kisses Juvia*

Me: *fangirl squeal as I grab megaphone* GRUVIA'S CANON!!!

Gray and Juvia: O.O

@JusticeCrewObcession(close friend): TAKE THAT BITCHES!

@monica99(another friend): YEAH! TAKE THAT LYUVIA SUPPORTERS!! CAUSE LYON'S MINE! *blushes as Lyon kisses her cheek*

Fairy Tail: WTH!!?? O.O



Lyon's P.O.V.

When Gray didn't come back after half an hour, I was starting to get worried, what if he'd gotten hurt, what if he died? At least the rain stopped, finding him was going to be a sinch in this weather, bright, sunny, perfect. A day Juvia would have liked. Just the thought of her brings tears to my eyes, and one slips down my face the moment the doors of the guild burst open.

I look up to see Gray leading a person by the hands, he's smiling. nd here I was thinking he would be torn up about her death for months. Guess i was wrong. The person he was leading in stopped, and Gray walked back to him, or her,"Hey, don't worry, you'll be fine, I promise." Then I watched as he kissed the figure. Definetly a girl. but WHAT THE HELL!!??

"Gray, what? Damn Bastard. And here I was thinking he would keep crying. He's worse than Loke.", Snide remarks echoed around the guild.

"Everyone, I would like to introduce you to an old friend.", Gray smiled, slowly sliding off the hood that rested on his 'friend's' shoulders. I, like everyone else, froze as we took in who was standing before us; our favorite third-person-speaking, stalker-type, water wizard girlfriend of Gray, Juvia.

"JUVIA!!", Levy screamed, leaping over everyone and into Juvia's arms."WHAT THE HELL!? HOW ARE YOU ALIVE!?", the little mage sobbed into her fellow wizard's arms as she took it all in.

"It wasn't my fault we left the information with Mira, Nasu!", Lucy's shrill voice echoed through the open doors, minuites ahead of it's owner. The blonde and her companions stopped and gaped at the scene, just like the rest of us were.

"Welcome home, my child.", Master was sitting on the bar, tears running down his face.

"It's good to be back.", Juvia beamed,"Juvia missed everyone, especially Gray-sama."

"It's Gray, just Gray, Juvia.", Gray smiled, kissing the mage. That's when I realised, I don't actually love Juvia, my mind was fooling my heart, if that's possible. My mind was playing with my heart, changing what i tbelieved was right, the same way the transformations changed Midnight.

"JUVIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!", Happy crash-tackled Juvia, breaking everyone our of their trance.

"JUVIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" The entire guild came rushing towards Juvia, but she slipped out of the way and laughed as everyone fell into a heap.

"God, guys, calm down. I just got her back, I don't want to lose her again.", Gray chuckled, pulling the water mage close.

"How did you survive? We thought you died in the fire.", Gajeel popped his head out of the pile, curious.

"Actually, Juvia thought Gray-sa- Gray died in the fire.", She confessed, blushing.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaa?", Natsu looked confused, but he mirrored perfectly our emotions. What the hell?

"When Juvia heard Gray calling, she thought he was in the house, and thought he died when it collapsed. "

"But how did you get out?", Pantherlily, Gajeel's cat, asked, leaping of Gajeel's head and walking towards her.

"Just before you arrived, Midnight carried Juvia away from the house, I could have gone through the barrier the entire time.", She explained.

"WHAT!? And I got burned for nothing.", Laxus grumbled, frowning.

"Yeah, it was confusing. So, Midnight decided to stop and, um, kiss me, but, he forgot he had a knife in his front pocket. When he tried to kiss Juvia, Juvia slid the knife out and used the handle to break his leg."

"Damn, she's tough.", Cana laughed, smiling. Lucy nodded.

"He fell on the ground, and Juvia cut the ropes around her wrists before running to the house, but you were already gone."

"But why didn't you come back?", Erza asked, stepping out of the mess and straightening her armour before giving Juvia a hug.

"Since Juvia thought Gray was dead, she thought she would be blamed for his death.", She blushed, suddenly sheepish.

"Juvia! We would NEVER do that to you. It wasn't your fault this happened, understand?", Gray turned her face towards him, and kissed her ith so much passion I felt like a pervert.

"GUYS! Wendy and Romeo are here, you know!", I yelled, shielding my eyes.

"Well then, make them leave.", Gray growled, stopping for a moment.

"GRAY!", Erza yelled, trying to stop them, and she didn't! Instead, she got smart-ass backchat.

"Let me kiss my fiance' for a few more minuites.", FIANCE'!!??

"Yeah, Gray proposed when he saw Juvia, and, she said yes.", Juvia blushed before kissing Gray again.


My life is officially complete.

Lyon: Then who am I with?

@monica99: DID YOU NOT SEE BEFORE!!??

Lyon:*reads* OH... *kisses @monica99*

Me: *fangirl squeals with @JusticeCrewObcession* KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! *faint from happiness*

Fairy Tail: WTH!? O.O

Natsu: What the hell just happened?

Lucy: I have noooooo idea...

Happy: AYE!

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