Chapter 4

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HIYAS!!!! I am like A BLOODY VOLCANO when it comes to fairy tail fan fictions... My bad :P


Midnight's P.O.V.

I pulled Juvia closer to me, my face buried in her hair. "Juvia.", I whispered as my lips pressed against her neck. "I love you with all my heart, I feel like I know you, like I've known you for years. I don't want you getting caught up in this." *Author's note: Yes, I know right now you're thinking, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???? But be patient my friends :P* 

"Midnight, what are you talking about? The only reason Juvia knows who you are is because you almost killed Gray-sama. How do you know Juvia?", She pulled her hands out of the stone cuffs, and wrapped them around us, pulling my face away from her neck and made me look into her eyes, her blue, caring, kind eyes.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you.", I whispered, smiling on the inside. I look like some poor, scared guy without someone to love him! Just what I was looking for, a weakness in her.

She brushed the back of her hands on my cheek,"Tell, Juvia won't judge. he wants to hear your side of the story."

I pulled her towards a wooden bench sitting in the garden, separate from all the mayhem of the plants,"It started like this.."


Juvia's P.O.V.

I sat and listened at Midnight's story, the sun setting on my first day here. I took it all in, the slavery at the Tower of Heaven, his family torn apart, his father releasing Nirvana. I kind of had a little pity for him, his life was torn apart, and torn again and it wasn't his fault, he thought it was right.

Midnight looked up at the sky,"It's getting late, we should get inside soon.", He helped me to my feet, how sweet, and led me back inside. I went to go inside the little room I was staying when Midnight grabbed my wrist."Juvia?"

"Yes?" I turned to look at him, what did he want?

He looked down at his feet, blushing,"Would you join me for dinner?" I laughed, and nodded. His face brightened up instantly. "That's great! Meet me here in half an hour." I smiled, and to add extra effect, I kissed his cheek. He blushed as I walked back into my room.

I am so sneaky, I can't believe I actually fooled him into thinking I trusted him. I am so awesome. I looked at a pile of blue on the bed. I picked it up and a river of flowing fabric opened onto the floor.

I gasped at the navy blue material, decorated with minature flowers, the fabric flowed between my fingers. I smiled, how hard was Midnight going to try to convince me he was good? My thoughts were disrupted by a scream that caused my hart to leap into my throat; Gray-sama.


Gray's P.O.V.

I stopped in the middle of the road, causing Lyon and Sherry to crash into me. "What the hell, Gray?", Lyon muttered, checking Sherry for and injuries."Warn us next time, we can't see in the dark!"

"I felt, wierd, like someone was in my head.", I explained, rubbing my temples.

"We need to find somewhere to stay, Lamia Scale's not withing walking distance anymore.", Sherry walked towards a small hotel. Lyon and I followed, but I soon fell onto my hands and knees as the feeling came again, this time much worse.

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