The secret life of me and some advice

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The world🌎 the sky🌈 the nature🌱the animals🐶 all different but are a way of life yet NO ONE CARES so just think about it. We have FRIENDS we have ENEMIES BUT... We have all been through that but right now I'm still living it. We still have are Kings and Queens👑👰 we still have drama🙀 we have love in the air💓🌀☁️ but most of all we have SECRETS.

Yes this is true it's like a world were everyone is silenced😷😶 a world where they might just be a door slammed in your face. A world that we live in but can't get out of. You can say its a maze twist and turns open ways and dead ends. But this idea of secret is much more then what it means, you can look it up and it might say this. A word that means when two or more people share contact about something or someone that is personal or unknown. Yes so you think you know what it means but have you seen it, have you heard it, have you done it🙈🙉🙊. Just remember what you say can hurt someone even you. When you hear it what does it sound like, well it sounds like a ninja silent but still deadly. When you see it what does it look like, it looks like your mouth took a pill and goes to someone and moves and speaks what may or may not be true. When you do it what do you do well NOTING. You shouldn't be doing that and that's all true yes I have my opinions so do you but what if the shoe was on the other foot👢👠👣 then what would happen. I understand what you think you have to do But you can't and I repeat CANT DO THAT TO PEOPLE. I hear a willow crying I hear the wallflower weeping but I hear you all laughing at the sight of them. You can't just listen with your ears but you must listen with your heart it's like, listen to your gut when you have to answer a question most of the time it's correct and are hearts are the same so let your heart speak for its self. Why do we chose bad when we know what is good? Why do we lie when we know the truth? Why are we silent when we are loud? Why do we laugh when someone is in pain? We don't know why that's the way it has to be. We understand words but we don't listen. We hear things that are important but we chose not to CARE. We think that's it cool but it's really not. So open your heart and let it tell you the right thing to do not the wrong because in are hearts we know what is right instill the hatred in are minds take control because it needs justice. But this is not justice that is unfair. Justice is sorry or a thank you words but not I hate you and a fist. You might think why am I still reading this it's because I am passionate with words and the words are keys to open a new lock that we thought we never knew. I feel in my heart that what I say can make a difference and change what we think can not be changed this is only the beginning I'm just talking about secrets I can say so much more now.

Some people say they love you but the key word is you THINK we think we now what love is at such a young age we really don't know what it means we think we do that's why I never say LOVE to someone that thinks they love me or who I think I love💟. I have many stories that are very convincing but to a human person they think they like the story I don't want a reader that thinks I want a reader that knows. It's like your going some where with your best friend the movies, Disneyland what ever. You ask if they can come and you tell them to ask their PARENTS. And now you ask them if they can and they are buying tickets and they say I think I'm going and they are like are you going and they end up never go. I know you can care less about the word THINK it might be a same word in your dictionary but in mine it has one of the biggest meanings and I know that some of you get told think all the time and that must drive you crazy but you can't get crazier then me it's like a fact if your near me.

It's weird when you don't have a friend but sometimes it might be the best thing or the worst thing. I know what you are thinking who in the world would not want a friend why is that so bad. But I'm just saying have to many best friend one best friend is perfect, two best friends is great but what if you had three. Sure your thinking that's ok but what if they had ex best friends. And they miss you more then ever and they want to take you back. They say that what about the time that we had I feel like it's turning out to be my forth grade year again. A girl had many friends and she made many people become her best friend then after a fun time she goes to the next lonely person. It's like that say you get that chance and it is only 30 seconds of fame well that's kind of the POINT. My new best friend is Adriana. It was Karla and Jasmine and Adriana. But then things started to change. She keeps asking us are you mad and whispering which just makes it worst if you do that in front of people. And she has guts to say that I'm jealous I really don't care and every time she says I'm done with them not us but some other people that you will meet. And all I think is that she is full of it and the next hour what does she do she starts talking to them like crazy all she does to me and Adriana is rain checks us and acts like we are ok with that like we want that but that's not it. We are just tired of it now and we are not going to take it. Sometimes I wonder what was the reason why she was hanging out with us. What makes me even more mad is that she almost took my best friend she was the one that go me mad at her. And I don't think that's fair. But nothing's fair except a carnival fair. People give and people will take but all she does is take take take and not give and she still calls us her best friend I don't need this, what I need is a person that gets me not change me. I am not taken for granted I am taken for what I am. So the lesson to this is to pick your friends wisely don't get pushed around and don't let anyone take you for what you are not.

I never liked reading but I always loved to write so people say that they are not the same but it really it is. All great writers must read their story's over and over again just to make sure that it's perfect. As I get lectures I hate them like now April 9th 7:32 PM some one just kill me and take my life. I'm not the best at something and yet it's so hard for me I need nice comments not yelling not saying what I don't have what I can't do. Make time stop for me please. Please help me not scream out loud and say things I wish not to say for I am not ready to say. Help me out of this death trap.

In this WORLD their are PEOPLE that CARE and there are people that can CARELESS. I feel like my world my mind changes so quickly in a blink of on eye. After the break up it like the first boy I see is my muse. And just yesterday April 12 2014 a boy I never knew never talked to but what got me was when he would look back. But his sister was speaking Spanish and I kinda knew what she was saying she said go play look there's even a pretty girl. And in my mind I was like yes and no. But out of all people why me for anything. Like boys likening me the friends I have the family I got and the future soon to come. I'm not perfect but I am worth it but I'm still different from the rest. The wonder I have is a gift to all that wish they had but it is a gift and a curse there are good and bad there is give and take but there is never perfect. I can't explain it it's just how it is. When life gives you lemons what do you do make lemonade no you hold on to it when you are starving and thirsty the most. Every day there is a dreamer everyday their is a mystery because we don't know what might happen. The worst we can say is NOTHING WE DONT KNOW. As much as we want to we just can't tell the future. The future can end for you at any point but why worry when we can just enjoy what we have now. So the lesson to this is don't worry about the future, remember that your different, and that when your heart is broken don't try to stick it up with the first person but take time to understand and get to know you never what they want what they have or if they have been just looking for you their whole in tire life but didn't take time to look closely when they were right next to you the whole time as when you and them were younger.

Why is writing a gift when we can read. Because throughout history all great leaders used words and never hit, they used people to stand instead of guns to shot. We are polar opposites we are different element you might fire but I am water I will cool I will stop the burning and the hurting. When you fire fight with grass you are sure to win but with water I will put you out slowly, calmly, and with no pain. But I will also make the grass grow so it can be big and strong. Still my water hurt in floods or large waves but eventually slow down and no longer hurt. Or the fire is the thunder scary at first can hurt and kill. But I will be the sunrise in the sky to help stop you from what you try to hurt. I am hour new ray of sun shine. But remember where there is thunder there can be rain and with a little rain their is bound to be a beautiful rainbow coming your way.

When you grow up and get married do you want a son or a daughter. Will your son be smart or handsome and kind or the bully that's dumb and cruel. Will your daughter be intelligence, beautiful and loving or will she be ignorant, untrustworthy and dirty. No matter what they might be you must always show love and compassion because your love will shine thought all no matter how bad the day you are their light of their world show you can shine bright them the sun. When can you never love your own child when you had no intention to have a child but yet jugs to have love even when you knew that what you were doing that was bound to happen.

I learned when you want something in life you can't just get it you have to work for it no one is just going to give it to you it's not going to come through the door you have to work. It only a few more months instill my 12th birthday which means I get more freedom and I can do so much more on my own but instill I'm a teenager I can do what ever because I will be a teenager and go through my phase when I have have have to do what I want but that means I'm going to have even more rules like no dating no going out curfew and no staying up to late or talking to boys. The more I get older the more I want to shop but I will never go shopping for brows with my mother or father or anyone. So this is my wrap up April 13 2014 3:29 instill I have a new story.

My world my mind my thoughts and my wonders have a change in people but no one seems to notice this was a secret life and some advice

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