School a place of wonders

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Have you ever in your whole life meet someone that you can't trust or tell them anything became you know deep in your heart that they can't be trusted because you know that they will tell every one. Or a person so vile that they have no reason to live in your world. Someone that everyone hate but that person tries their i tire best to show what is good about them. Well there are people like that in are world. But there is always a good in some people but we just don't know that because of title like the mean one the athletes. But it's not just in the real world it also happens in a place called SCHOOL. Lucky for you, you don't live in this world. But one of these people has a big label that I really just can't stand his label is the person every one..... Hates the name is Herald

One thing that I just hate about Herald you just can't trust him and he is a ugly loser that tries to get a girls attention but not going to happen he is annoying and pretty... Bigheaded and I don't mean in smarts. And I'm just saying that because he never ever does his homework. well thats that.

but do you know how hard it is to have a life like mine having to worry about what everyone thinks and what about holding in a sadness that needs to let out and cry i cant do that and if i do i cry with my friends of i cry and pray to my pillow saying that everyone hates me so much that its like their out for blood in this case tries that i try my hardest and all my might to keep inside no one nothing can making change but myself trust me its hard to stay strong and to change. all these words are true if this was a book i don't know what i would do but luckily this is just for me.

but school is like the wilderness the students are the animals the bullies are the lion and the cool people rule the jungle as for me I'm trying to stay with the jungle a not end up a little fly AKA the little people. but the even littler people are bait or they are pray luckily I'm not the little people.

but we are not just like a jungle we are also like a castle are king and queens are the people that have a boyfriend and a girlfriend but they rule the place but in this case I'm one of them but the king and queen label doesn't stick on right. but there are witches in this case i save the people from witches by standing up. we also have knights which are the other cool people. but im not the only king and queen of the school their is my best friend but in this case her king is 5 stars I'm only saying that because i use to like her prince. the little people are what we call slaves but some are so dumb that they think a pretty girl like me that will like a little person. but they just use the person to get what they want.

but now there is pain in the story you alway thing the most drama would be in 8th grade but no. 7th no way they are all care so far but it is 6th grade a world that starts junior high. but leave alive in 8th you need to make friends with populars so you can survive or your dead bait. but it always depends on yes LUNCH-TABLES i know what you are thinking why. but where you sit is where you stay unless you get a better ofer at the red table and the boys that are cool with each other but only 2 girls made it alive and they are called the trouble makers they are the people that keeps things interesting. but the reason they have that table is because if anyone they don't like sits all i can say is that it is social dead. iv sat their before because i thought i could fit in and it worked but not anymore i take the path they take not my own its like a law of coolness.

next big thing is free dress day biggest day of a 6th grades life you wear the right clothes then you are golden never wear target clothes but wear a label like fitch or ambercombie biggest thing people wear but i don't have that only because it cost to much money. but i still have fashion style. but you also have to worry about BFF you cant have a lier but if your best friends with a trouble maker you become one it comes with a price. but you also need a social life luck me i have one a big one but you have to show of something or tell what your doing you cant just post random things not cool and not cool the whole point is to show what we have to become a legan.

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