Words to live by 2

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The world is a step before me the past is all behind me

The people I meet react the people I love turn their are many directions but only one can lead me to my future and what I look for in most

One foot can take me somewhere but two feet can help me go anywhere

If I have learned anything it has been never trust anyone to much but if you do make sure they trust you

Colors give joy I give advice we are the same thing

Tears don't mean your losing

If you don't cry when you are hurt it means you are strong and you have been holding it in for way to long

When their is a road don't follow it make your own destiny

When someone you like says hello all you need to do is smile

The more you laugh the longer you live well I guess I'm going to be here for a long time

And to my readers I need more and more people to read the more people read the more you guys inspire me and if you think I inspire you I did but not as much as you have for me so I am inspired because I feel inside that people care what I have to say maybe they might take my advice or they give my advice just please tell people to read the book

The secret life of me and some adviceWhere stories live. Discover now