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Handing in the balance

My wonder slowly dies my engine needs more gas as I fill the tank the motor away from all my problems then supremely I have an accident I am in a car crash with words and fists slowing taking the souls from me instill I can no longer breath. So I can either drive away of I can take so much instill their is nothing more other then hate in the heart. These words are not exactly true but it is how I feel. I feel like a car can keep on going instill their is no more gas. Have problems which are car crashes injuries that I can't take word I wish not to but I have to so I can defend and not become death I am not saying hurt someone I am say change someone of their opinion of what they think of you and use your words to defend more then just you but please smile not frown





No where

I know I am making a lot of chapters but that is only because I am a book with a whole lot of pages ready to read because this is only the beginning of something that can be some much more then you think. My friends say I'm good at writing my family say I gifted but to me I'm not thinking so hard I'm just thinking of how I really feel and what really happen.

The secret life of me and some adviceWhere stories live. Discover now