The trigger

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The sky's are blue there are clouds in the sky but all of a sudden you hear gun shots not really but I hear them inside of my head today is May 6th 2014 and people are making me feel horrible and the trigger is shot and instead of bullets their are tears from people I talk to out side of school and we are cool but now I don't know. I don't know if they are going to read this but what I do know is that if they I am glad because they will all know that I hurt me the trigger went off two times today who knows it might shot again I am going to a class room and I am so scared I just don't want to feel like late time a time of pain and misery but I don't know we will just have to wait and see. But the trigger gets pulled every where at home and in my room and I always talk to my self because I have no one to talk to that's why I really can't take I joke and when I was little my parents would sometimes get mad at me and say things I hope they didn't mean and I didn't know if they were serous so after those days I wasn't sure what was a joke and what was for real but you can't blame me I didn't know I was just a little girl stuck in her own world which is her mind.

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