Story of my love 1 present

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I can't explain what this feeling is I don't even know what it is. But when I'm next to you I am free and I'm falling but I do that because I know you will catch me. So I am your bird I will be good and stay in the cage please make sure you feed and care for me because don't starve me and isolate me. Say I hear people die everyday which kills me I wish I could take my life so I can save all because no one decides to die even if they have done wrong. I like to be divergent but never to much I will still stay me. As I hear whispers I see shadows as I see shadows I talk to strangers and those strangers are my new friend that I will give advice no matter how big or small no matter how close or far their is no distance there is no challenge I can not deal with. Life is an optical you have to find a way to get through it there will be problems along the way but don't let that stop you. A year drizzles down my face that has memories and stories between inside it have emotion and meaning outside its salty water that taste like the sea but as clear as some people' hearts. I think that love is impossible to figure out but you can't do that but I feel like no ones knows what it is but me I know its crazy but when that person feels like they are living inside you head like the only thing that you are thinking of when you look at something he or she is all you see when someone talks it's just sounds like you when I talk about memories it just reminds me of me and you the perfect two like when I close my eyes it hurt like how you use to hurt my heart which was so frugal and weak and had to be stitched by hand but never healed but I hope you can change that which you did instill you broke it like glass. You gave me this and you gave me that but that's not what I wanted I wanted your love. As much as a said in my own ways you never heard but you heart has turned faster then a friend that is being betrayed. As the night sky is black I see your heart and it is black as night and it shows that the love we had made a difference in you what happened. Friends come and go but happiness is forever that is my saying which I think people should think closer about. Your in my way now you the bolder the stranger that follows or are you the bolder that blocks the path I must take. Should I go around or come another day but I will push you myself with all my stretch but love is not my weakness but my strength instill now because you broke my ability to love instill a new person that loves me unlocks me

The secret life of me and some adviceWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt