Im daring

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I have seen a ghost maybe two or three their in my room say boo boo boo. I'm scared tonight I might not be safe. Save me today I'm grateful to see the stars that shine in the beautiful night that everyone sleeps though. So early never late the sun has left us completely but waiting to come again but the moon stays forever some fuller then others only once a month. I see clouds in the bright sky blue sky. I feel so close yet so far I feel like I am on a skyscraper and I'm spreading my wigs and I'm ready to fly. I take the leap of faith. As I take my last breath only 2 feet away from the floor I shot like a rocket so fast no sight. I can touch the clouds I feel tired I want to sit but if I sit I will sink because a cloud isn't a solid but a liquid with shape and color. But as I am I will do what I must sit I will. I sit and I sit I do not sink is this magic to a dream that I can't wake up from. Then I'm back on the ground ready to see what he future has in store for me I might get in trouble but do not stop me. If I don't cry does that mean I am not hurt. When I look in the dark storing sky I sing the mocking jay song I reminds me that I am free. Last year I would watch the sky instead of staying inside wile hundreds of people are warm and asleep one little girl is awake and not afraid and ready for what she calls tomorrow. You can be scared of the dark with the shadows the sounds that keeps you up till dawn but remember your imagination is grand but where there is imagination there is always wonder and wonder can take you away from the fright that you see I'm divergent I'm different I don't like being the same it means that I'm equal even if I put you before. Red lights in a room are you afraid yet the ghost is next to you saying hello trying to understand why you are crying on your pillow for a reason unknown but they say be happy you know who are your true friends so be glad you were not fueled again so take it well don't make a seen or the people you call friend will leave you like that so you have been warned but don't be scared be daring and brave ready for the future and taking small steps away from yesterday.

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