The maze the mirror the girl all from a star

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I am just a young girl. I have many new things to learn but what I am trying yo learn and trying to except is that fact that there are boys that like me a lot. I have a way yo know if they a perfect. I don't want a kiss up and I serenely do not want someone oh so serious. I have so many more questions some times I get answer and I get I don't know. So one day I dreamed that I would have an adventure of what my life really was if I went in to a new world but the same of how I am living I would want to go there. But what I didn't realize is that there was a star not asleep but awake in the sky. It was like the star had lots of coffee but that's not regular star it was a shouting star I have never seen one in my life instill now. As a am sleeping I think I am dream wake me up its a nightmare. Pinch myself and nothing...

For I was in a new world but it was a maze. There were twist and turns so confused. Open ways I can pass and dead ends I'm trapped. As a hear a soft motherly voice calling my name "JIZELLE JIZELLE YOU BETTER COME BACK OR NO FOOD IN THAT EMPTY BOX." As I walk closer it was my mother. As the person I thought I knew comes closer she exclaims " I hope your not trying to get out of the maze again. But then words stumble, mumbles and thoughts are being hear in my head and coming out of my mouth. Saying I DONT BELONG HERE THERES A HOLE NEW WORLD OUT THE MAZE. I didn't know where it came from. But as I see a mirror it was me yes you expect that but a whole different me. The girl i the mirror saying what happened we both said I wish on I star I didn't think this would happen.

As the girl i the mirror said who are you one had said I am Jizelle the other had said I am Rachel having to tell each other of their life's about what they had to do to fit in the place. Jizelle had told Rachel we are living in a maze and no one has ever got out but I would like to be the first one to leave because theirs a whole new world. Rachel always wanted an adventure but never thought it would go this far. All of a sudden bee mind lights from the dark sky came and said you will have new future if you do not help on another as in there steps. The voice was manly but we were un sure about what had just happen. But what Jizelle didn't know was that Rachel had magic of singing that can help her but so did Jizelle have a power but with words she was a great at spells but so not ready for this. As I walk through the maze I see a boy his name was dustin. But what I didn't know is that I have also the power of love at such a young age I learned the maze was not only magic but you could control it if you notice a unique thing about it but I don't know yet. If I am the opposite of this world so does this mean I can find the way. If their is light I am the moon is their is fire I am water I am the opposite but I leave things into balance go this new world I have just discovered. Why do we fear I. The day when God is with us, why do we lie when we know the truth, and why are we silent when we know now to speak. As the days start to end the 2 girls meet at the mirror for any questions or to say good luck. I had a question who is Dustin?

Dustin is a boy that is in love with you said " Jizelle. Rachel said don't you mean you but she replied he has never looked at me like that. Rachel had an idea if she. As they said they must help at what they can not do. To go back home she had used her loves spells with music making sure that when Jizelle comes back he will instantly fall in love but that was not the problem the problem was the way to find out of the maze. It is night time I hear owls who who I hear the animals but you never know the animals might just hold the key I follow the sounds and I see the way out.

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