-2 : Diaz

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『 Marco's POV 』

Live in a small house. A little bit far from the hustle bustle of the main town of Echo Creek. But still I can go to the main town by fifteen minutes walking. Have no more than two friends at school. Get bullied so frequently because of my " Safe Kid " reputation. Who else if it's not me, Marco Ubaldo Diaz.

Yeah that's me. Marco Ubaldo Diaz. Now, ask someone in my school, other than my best friends, Alfonso and Ferguson. Ask them, " Who is Marco Diaz ? . Believe me, ninety percent of them will answer, " Oh, you mean the Safe Kid ? "

Let me start from the beginning. I live in a small house bit far from the main town of Echo Creek. Nothing more, nothing less. O yeah, I moved from Barcelona since four years ago, so I'm a Latino. People in Echo Creek will notice me when I walk around with my signature red hoodie, black pants, and yellow converse. Spring, Summer, Autumn, even Winter, that's what I wear all the time. Well, maybe except for Winter, I wear something else a bit different, like a winter jacket. But even my winter jacket is really red.

Want to know what kind of person is me ? First, quiet. I never talk unless I need to talk. Well, talking is like one ticket to hell or troubles for me. Maybe that's why people call me pretty shy. Second, nerd. I always bring books everywhere and anytime. I don't care if it making my bag heavy or something. Well, books are my life. Any kind of books I'm fine with it. Third, based on my friends and teachers, I'm pretty smart. Well, overall my grades are A's and A+'s. I got a B just like maybe two or three times. Obviously, on history because I'm not to good at that subject. Best subject ? Physics, Biology, and obviously, Chemistry. I mean, I like and do good in all kind of Science, but I like Chemistry the most.

Now, oh yes, my family. It's pretty cliché but I love them so much. My dad, Rafael Diaz. Well he has that manly body over him that every girl could ever dream of. Despite of his looks, he's so loving and caring. He always listens to my problems, helps me with my homework difficulties, and many other stuffs. Now, my mom, Angie Diaz. Don't ask again but she's so caring and loving, just like my dad. She listens to me every time I have problems, she helps me with my homeworks, she even taught me how to cook ! Well, she taught me how to make nachos when I was thirteen years old. Now, I can make variations of foods from various countries. Yeah, no brother or sister, but things gone pretty well in my family. Seems I like it the way it is. The only child with two parents.

And now what ? Oh yeah. School. To be honest, I love school. Why ? First, I don't know why but I love chemistry so much. Just because, you know, you can do experiments and stuffs, which is fun for me.  And most of my period is chemistry at middle school. Obviously, I like the teacher so much. And who is it ? Mr. Terry. Who else if it's not the funniest teacher I've ever known. He always warns  the students to be carefull doing experiments in chemistry class. Turns out HE is the one who nearly burns he whole school. Still, he is very kind. He helps me doing chemistry if I can't do it. Well, I can say it that he's pretty close to me because he even cheers me up when I'm down and he defends me from the bullies sometimes. Also, he sometimes likes to joke with me.

And second, my best buddies, Alfonso and Ferguson, but I just call them Al and Ferg for short nicknames. Alfonso. Yeah the one and only Alfonso Dolittle and Ferguson o'durguson. They are my best friends. Or should I say, my ONLY friends. Sometimes they act like bunch of idiot monkeys playing around, but they are still the best. They listen to my problems, stand for me when I get bullied, accept me being who I really am. That's the best thing I could ever have.

If you're asking this cliché question like, " Does Marco has a girlfriend ? "

I USED to have one back there.

Who is the girl ?

Jackie Lynn Thomas.

Yeah, the popular skateboarding girl at Echo Creek Academy. I had a crush on her since kindergarten. At one time, finally my feelings reached it climax. I confessed to her when we were at eight grade. She accepted me. We started dating. I thought I could be happy for finally. Turns out no. She cheated on me with Oskar Greason, the Echo Creek Academy keytar player. Not only that. She started to spread rumors that weren't even true about me also she told all my secrets that make me a " Safe Kid ". I didn't know what I did wrong. From that day, the " Safe Kid " reputation sticked on me until today. Pretty miserable ? Yes. I nearly committed suicide after that. Luckily, my mom found out and she started to comfort me. I guess that worked on me because I just let it go after that. But still, once you break a heart, it will leave a scar, no matter how hard you try to fix it.

And yeah, that's also the begining of the bullies.


One word of the most hurtfull emotional pain. They started to call me freak, nerd, wimp, weak, and of course, Safe Kid. Not only nicknames, even I am physically hurt. They always do it to me. Troy, Tyler, Jacob. Who are they ? My mortal bullies. Since Jackie spread the rumors, the three of them, the greatest bullies at school, started to do things to me. Say hurtfull things, punch me, kick me, treat me badly. They never stop. But I got used to it, coming home with bruises and scratches. My mom always asks me what happened to me, but you know me, I just say I fell down hardly or something. 

Tommorow is the first day of school. Yeah, new beginning of a new life. New page of a new blank book. Hopefully, better than last year. And find another happiness from another true and real love.


Another chapter has done ! Woop woop ! Anyways, this is the last chapter of the introduction. The next chapter, well, the start of conversations and stuffs. So, don't forget to vote and stay tuned for another exciting chapters ! I have nothing to say again so toodles !
—nic 🥀

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