-10: Imagination

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『 Marco's POV 』

Oh, there she goes again
Every morning it's the same

I looked out from the window in my bedroom. She's here. The girl with her turquoise jacket that I've been waiting for. Okay, I just have to act normal in front of her.

You walk on by my house
I wanna call out your name

I trailed my eyes on her. Blonde locks, ocean blue eyes, yep definitely her. I wanted to shout her name to call her from my window right now. But, did I even have a courage to do that ? " Marco ! Star's here ! " my mom called me from downstairs. " Coming ! " I replied. I ran downstairs and I could see a girl sitting on my couch. " Hi Marco ! " Star greeted me.

I wanna tell you how beautiful you are
from where I'm standing

I couldn't say anything. She looked ... different. Well, she may be wearing the same outfit, but it felt different. She's ... well ... cuter and seems more beautiful than before. " Marco ? " Star said, snapping me back to reality. My face turned red when I realized I was actually starring at her. " Oh h-hi, Star " I waved to her with embarrassment.

You got me thinking what we could be

" So you're ready ? " she asked me. Yes, because the senior years were having somekind of an occasion that I didn't know about, all of the students stayed at home for a week. Today, me and Star decided to go to the amusement park. " Yep. Let's go ! " I said shortly. She held my hand, which made me blush even harder.

'Cause I keep craving, craving
You don't know it but it's true

We went to the nearest bus stop, took a bus that went to the amusement park, and hopped off from the bus when we arrived. She held my hand and pulled me to the entrance gate. We bought the tickets for the both of us, and went inside the park. " Let the fun begin ! " Star exclaimed, throwing both of her hands up in the air. This made me chuckle a little. She's just too cute, to be honest.

Can't get my mouth to say
The words they wanna say to you

I really love her. Who ? Yes, Star Butterfly. She made me fly to cloud nine, made me happy only by seeing her happy, made my heart race, and everything in her seems perfect. I really wanted to shout. Shout out that I am in love with my own best friend. I wanted to tell the girl that was holding a cotton candy on her hand right now that I love her. But somehow, she made my tongue twisted.

This is typical of love
Can't wait anymore, I won't wait

" Hey Marco ! Let's ride that roller coaster over there ! " Star said, pointing at the roller coaster. I gulped. First, I was afraid of heights, and second, I have motion sickness. But still, I wanted to make Star happy. " Let's go then " I said. We queued for five minutes to get on the ride. We hoped into the roller coaster. I started to sweat when the machine started to move.

I need to tell you how I feel
When I see us together forever

" Wohooo ! Hey Marco- Marco ? Are you okay ? " Star suddenly asked me. " I uh.. Yeah I'm fine ! " I said, plastering a fake smile to make her sure. " You're afraid, aren't ya ? " Star asked me again. " I uh... well ... maybee " I said. " Here. I'm here for you. Don't worry " Star said, holding my hand.

In my dreams, you're with me
We'll be everything I want us to be

As the roller coaster dropped, I closed my eyes and scream. I could feel the loop and other stuffs I don't want to talk about, I could feel all things inside my stomach went up. And there goes my motion sickness. As it stopped, I realized I was clutching Star's hand. I ran to the nearest bathroom and threw up. I went out the bathroom and I could feel Star's hug.

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