-8 : Winter Bliss

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『 Marco's POV 』

" .... so that means x equals 12. Got it ? " I said, closing my speech how to solve a math question to Star. She scribbled something down, well maybe the answer I told her, on her blue notebook. " Ooookay ! Well, thanks a lot, Marco. It took me forever to solve this question last night " she said. " No problem " I said. And yeah, I went to her house after school today, so I can help her to do her math homework as I promised her.

It's been about five months since we became best friends. Well, I should say that being her friend changed my life a lot. I finally had someone to talk to when I'm really down and she supported me so much. Sometimes, she's a bit loco, but that's why I love he- I MEAN, being her friend.

" So, now what should we do ? " she asked, crashing my thoughts. " Hmmm... we can go to the park if you want to " I suggested. " Well, okay then ! Let's go ! " she said as she quickly put on her soft pink jacket. She grabbed my hand and pulled me outside. " Wait ! Let me get my jacket first ! I'm not going to freeze myself  " I chuckled. I grabbed my red jacket, put it on, and ran to her. " Okay, let's go ". As I stepped outside, I can feel the cold January winter air brushed through my face. Yep, I can totally freeze if I didn't wear my jacket. When we were just going to head to the park, Star's parents arrived.

" Hi sweetie ! And oh, Marco ! Didn't know you're coming by " her dad said. " Hi Dad ! And yeah, Marco promised to help me on my math homework " Star said. " And where are you going ? " her mom said. " Uhm... Star wanted to go to the park " I said. " Hmm... okay. But don't come home late " her mom said. " Okay mom ! " Star said. " Come on ! " she said again.

『 Star's POV 』

It only took about fifteen minutes walk to go to the park from my house. When I arrived there, well, it's not to crowded actually. During this weather people rather to stay inside. " So, what should we do now ? " I asked Marco. " Uhmm .... we can explore the park for a while " he said. " Okay then " I said.

Well, I have to say that my life changed when Marco became my friend. He always helped me with homeworks and tests, so my grades were good. He's also supportive, kind, a good listener, and understanding. It's only been five moths since we met and became besties, but it felt like forever. Being with him, well, it felt perfect. Well, he's pretty cute- WAIT WHAT ?! Gosh, stop it, Butterfly !

" How about we go to the café near here and buy some hot chocolate ? You look cold " Marco said. " Well, fine. Let's go" I said. " Here, use my gloves before you freeze " he said. " How about you ? You're going to freeze " I said. " At least you're not " he said, pulling his gloves off, and hand it to me. " Are you sure, Marco ? " I said. " Just take it " he said. I put on the gloves. True, it's warmer. Well, first thing because of the fabric and second, maybe because of Marco's hand. " Well, thanks " I said.

Not in ten minutes, we arrived at Zest Café. When I opened the door, the bell above it rang. Classic. We quickly sat on a tabke with two chairs and put off our jackets. " May I take your order ? " the waitress asked kindly. " Two glasses of hot chocolate " Marco said. " Okay, anything else ? " the waitress asked again. Marco gave me the do-you-want-anything-else code to me. I shook my head. " No, that's all " I said. " Please wait a moment " the waitress said before she left our table.

Awkward silence covered me and Marco. I looked around the café. Well, it gave me calming winter vibe. And of course, there were other people than us. This is real awkward. I've never been so awkward around Marco before. Well, he's just, you know, AGH ! I couldn't describe what I'm feeling right now ! What happened to me ?

" Hello ? Earth to Star ? " Marco said, crashing my thoughts. " Huh, what ? " I said. " Nothing. It's just you're smiling without reason by yourself " Marco chuckled. The waitress came back with our hot chocolate. We drank it quickly, then we went outside again. " Just wear it. I don't mind " Marco said, offering his gloves again. " You're going to freeze because of me, Marco " I said. " At least you're not " he said while I blushed a little at his statement. " Okay, let's head to the park again " he said.

『 Marco's POV 』

We went to the park again. We threw snowballs to each other, talked about things, and sang along the music I played from my phone. " I'm tired " Star said, throwing herself to the bench. " Here, let's feed some pigeons " I said. " With? " she asked. " Wait a sec " I said, before I bought some bread. " This " I said, giving her a bread. " Thanks " she said. Yep, as I expected, her bread ran out so fast. " Now what ? " she said. " Enjoy the sky " I said. The sky was full of stars, twinkling brightly above us. I put on my headphones and played random songs.

In a moment later, I felt a head on my shoulder. Star fell asleep. I giggled a little. I didn't want her to be cold, so I pulled her closer and hugged her. My heartbeat increased when I glanced at her. She looked so .... peaceful. Damn it, Marco ! Cut it out ! She's your best friend ! What happened to you ?!

I didn't want to wake her up. She's too tired to walk and I know that. So, I decided to carry her on my arms and walked to her house. She's not that heavy in my opinion. I knocked the door and saw her dad opened it. " Uhm ... she fell asleep at the park and I thought she's too tired to walk, so I decided to carry her home " I explained. " I see. Her room is upstairs " her dad said. I walked in and went upstairs to her room. I put her slowly on her bed, put off her jacket, and covered her with her blanket. The song still playing in my ears. I love it how the song described my feelings right now.

I have faith in what I see
Now I know I have met an angel in person
And she looks perfect
I don't deserve this
You look perfect tonight

So, literally I screamed writing that last part. THE HECCITY HECC THEY'RE SO CUTE ! And yeah, like I said before, there's going to be a great time skip, like five  months later after the last chapter before this.
And yay ! I can update faster ! Like I said, if I'm not too busy, I can write and publish. Even though I wrote this one hour before I published it. So, I'm sorry if there are any grammatical errors.
Anyways, don't forget to vote for this chapter and comment some ideas in the comment section if you have one ! I will appreciate that so much. I got nothing to say again, so toodles !

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