-9 : Beautiful Simplicity

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『 Star's POV 』

I groaned as I woke up. Damn, my back hurts a bit. I checked the time. A quarter past seven. Since when I became such a morning person ? And how could I be at home and sleeping on my bed ? The last thing I remembered was I fell asleep when I was stargazing.

I got up from my bed and changed into my pastel blue sweater with unicorn on it and my pastel green skirt with white stocking beneath it. I ran downstairs and I could see my mom and dad having breakfast at the dining table. " Good morning, mom, dad ! " I said as I sat on one of the chair. " Good morning, sweetie. How's your sleep ? " my mom asked. " Fine, I guess " I said, still wandering about how I went back to my house.

" Dad, can I ask something ? " I asked. " Sure, go on " my dad said. " Did you picked me up at the park because Marco phoned you ? Or anything else ? Because I was wandering how I got back here " I explained. " No no no ! It's that Marco boy who got you home " dad said. Wait, how did Marco got me home ? " You picked him up ? " I asked again. " Nope. He carried you, sweetie. By himself " dad said. I nearly spit my sandwich out. Marco carried me ? By himself ?! So he carried me with on his back ?! " Oh " that's the only word that came out from my mouth. I could feel my cheeks heated up. Did he really do it ?

I finished my breakfast, waved to my parents when they drove away to go to work. I had nothing to do, since it's Saturday. So I went upstairs to my room and watch YouTube on my computer. I tried to focus up my mind to the video, but I couldn't. I kept thinking about one thing. Marco Ubaldo Diaz. That's it. That's my mind all scattered about. About how sweet he was. He carried me home, maybe like giving me a piggy back ride. I know I'm not that heavy or fat, it's just, well of course it was tiring for him. He could wake me up instead of doing that. Finally, I couldn't keep it inside my head again, so I decided to text Janna, since she's the only one who would understand me besides Marco.

Janna !

Janna Banana 🍌

There's something I need
to tell you

Janna Banana 🍌
What ?

So, I want to thank Marco, but I
don't know how to start and what to say

Janna Banana 🍌
Thank him for ?

So, I went for a walk to the park
with him yesterday

Janna Banana 🍌

Wha-- NO ! 😳

Janna Banana 🍌


Janna Banana 🍌
I'm just messing with you, Star 😂 Okay,
what happened next ?

Then, when I was stargazing, I fell
asleep and he carried
me home. I mean,
he could just call
my dad to pick me up or
wake me up there

Janna Banana 🍌
Well you should really thank
him for that

Well that's why I need
your help, Banana 😑

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