Chapter 1

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Have you ever worked so hard for something in your life then you don't get it and you feel utterly used and useless or maybe your expecting the littlest of things but you still don't get it. That's how Victoria feels every god damn day of her life. If you can even classify hers as one. But still she stayed and remained silent because anything is better than going back to where she was before.

Victoria had always been quiet from the very beginning, It was the beginning of her problems and she fears it will be the end. She knew what she had gone through in life and she never wanted to experience it again, after all at 25 years old she had finally made herself a tad bit proud.

Running away from him was her first achievement, stealing a huge amount of money and a car was her second achievement and her last was getting a proper job. Even If her job didn't pay of she still kept it. She knew the billion she stole could last her a life time but she didn't want to use all of the bastards money she wanted to survive on her own.

It was Friday night and normally Victoria will be at minor job at the local store where she cashiered all day but today her boss who had taken a very questionable interest in her let her return home to her three year old daughter. Victoria was more than grateful to him and left speedily . She didn't look at her child as a mistake even if she was, she loved Ava with all her heart even though she decided to take up all her fathers features.

"M-mummy!"she would scream every time she saw her mother. Victoria ran up to her daughter and carried her in her hand raining kisses on her cheeks. Ava erupted in giggles loving her mother more than ever at the moment she was never allowed to see her when father was around. Growing up she could still remember her mothers screams and the sound of a whip every day.

"How was your day darling?"Victoria asked leading her into the kitchen where she immediately began to cook.

"I-It was n-nice, I-I-I got a g-old st-star in Math"she stammered with a smile. Years of being in a room all alone with no one to talk to speaking wasn't really her thing. Victoria smiled at her daughter and began chopping carrots.

"That's great honey, for that you get ice cream before you go to bed" she kissed her nose teasingly and went back to her cooking. Ava squealed for joy as she told her mother about how she read a whole sentence without stammering.


After an hour both had eaten and It was time for movie night since the next day was a weekend, they sat on the sofa and watched an animated movie, Ava fell asleep at the ending of the movie so Victoria carried her to her princess themed room. She kissed her child good night holding her hand saying "Oh Lord in heaven have mercy on me so this child wont suffer" Victoria had said this for the last 1 month they were there.

If there was one thing she could remember as a child it was that her parents were deep Christians, she remembered going to service every Sunday while her friends went to the clubs, she hated every single moment of it. How could you believe in something you cant see, she thought. Look were not praying landed her? A million miles away from her parents who probably hate her and with a daughter when she is not even married.

With a sigh she gets up and walks to her small laptop in her room making sure she left the door a bit open in case Ava needed anything. She scrolled through job requests sighing as most of them required diplomas and other degrees that she did not have, she scrolled down to the last apace and saw a request for an assistant. She knew she was very good at technical things including calculations and scheduling. The request showed it had one space left and Victoria didn't even think about it twice. She looked at the requirements and was shocked to see 'COME AS YOU ARE'

The person most not be serious then, she thought. But still took it into consideration. She noted the address written at the bottom before switching of her light and going to bed.

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