Chapter 6

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"Good, let's get going then" Victoria tried her hardest not to frown at Alexanders icy tone as she carried Ava from him, while picking up her folded stroller. 

You cannot fall, not again, not ever. It's just you and Ava.

Victoria reminded herself and sighed feeling the guilt lift off her chest, the door opened and she walked out looking at the beautiful house in front of her, it was painted coral and had two huge pillars holding it up at the front, there was a small step that led to the front door that was huge and Victoria couldn't help but gawk at her surroundings, she looked back expecting to see the gate close by but saw fields with tar and greens. It was like a palace.

As if it couldn't get any better she looked to the side and examined the sparkling lake that was hidden by trees. Was she in heaven? She thought breathing in the fresh air.

"Cool" Xavier said, running to the front door while Victoria followed pulling the stroller with her while Ava slept soundly in her arm. They got into the house and Victoria stared in awe at her surrounding, it was all too beautiful. The chairs where white and gold and there was a black table in the middle that was designed as a spiral, she stared at the 72-inch tv like a child that is seeing a giant candy. The interior was a mix of sophisticated old and modern.

Alexander who walked in glanced at Victoria, walking straight to his room in anger, he couldn't let this go. Why would she just change like that? It bothered him and he knew it shouldn't. With a sigh Alexander walked to his room shutting the door, he unpacked his clothes and took off his shirt as he sat on his bed, he needed to cool off so he did the first thing that came to his mind.

"Hey Britney, I need you in the next 30 minutes" he cut the phone and held it in his hand deciding to call his closest friend.

"Hey man" Luke said with a slur, Alexander rolled his eyes as he laid on his bed. "You drunk son of a bitch, you owe me 4 million dollars" Luke chuckled from the other end of the phone "Lex, I said I'll pay you back next month, my fucking father is forcing me to get married to some mother Teresa chick from San Diego" Luke whined as there was shuffling from his end of the line, Alexander chuckled and sighed "I agree with him, you do need to get married your old enough"

Luke snorted. "Look who is talking about old your what 28? 27.... whatever man but you're the one that needs to get settled...... speaking of settled I heard you scored a new P.A, saw her on the news with your kid and hers" Luke said as Alexander fished out his work case for a cigar, he rolled his eyes and put his phone on speaker as he lit a lighter.

"Yeah, Victoria... she's got some issues men and I think she goes through some mood changing shit... also her daughter" Alexander hated to bring Ava into it but he knew that there was something seriously wrong with both of them.

"Maybe they have some fucked up past, probably had a rapist husband or some shit like that" Luke chuckled and Alexander thought about it. He remembered when Ava told Victoria that someone was not there back on the plane, is that the person that made both of them like that. After talking to Luke for an hour straight Alexander heard a knock on his door and he stood up without thinking to open it.

He stared down at Victoria who was gawking at his toned chest, she smelt the cigar in the air and her breathing faltered terribly, chocking as she took three steps back. Alexander stared at her amused but didn't say anything as he watched "Vogue magazine called, they want to interview you" she said breathing through her mouth, if there was one thing Victoria hated it was the smell of smoke. A small memory flashed in her head and she stiffened the more.

"In Australia?" Alexander asked crossing a hand on his chest, making Victoria's eyes wonder there, she looked away quickly and nodded

"They had a photo shoot here and they thought since you are here then why not use the opportunity.... And they want Xavier to be the cover" Alexander nodded at the news and smiled knowing that his son will be on The Vogue magazine.

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