Chapter 2

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It was the most beautiful view Victoria had seen, she felt like she was in the sky as she forgot where she was and what she was here for all she could think about was the look of different lights flashing and the sun as it sets. She stared with a light smile for a good 2 minutes not even wanting to look away.

"Are you done" a sharp voice echoed through the silence and Victoria jumped. She finally remembered who was in front of her and her head went down in embarrassment. "Good" the voice called again.

She hadn't seen Mr. Kings face but she could hear how young he was from his tone. Finally gaining the courage to look up she looked at the man sitting on a large black chair. Piercing brown eyes stared back at her. Victoria was used to seeing fine men some more handsome than the one in front of her, but there was something about the way he looked so strict that she knew she would like. Victoria didn't show it cause it was her lust for fine men that got her in trouble and she currently wasn't interested in anything that had a penis.

"And you are?" he asked picking up a piece of paper from his table, not even glancing at her.

"Victoria Kross, Sir" she said as confident as she coul, thinking about what he would do to make her cry like the rest of the other girls.

"Why should I give you this job?" he asked calmly.

"Well.... ..... cause I need it" Victoria said in a 'duh' tone. Alexander had never in his life been spoken to like that by anyone talk less of a stranger. This took him by surprise and he glared at her examining her from head to toe.

Poor and rude, he thought. It was time for Alexander to test her but he didn't know what to use, all the other girls that came in were very predictable and Alexander simply used what they were looking for to test them .Sex, money and fame. He stared at Victoria a minute longer and thought. What do poor people hate?

Being reminded of what they were.

"Do you know who the hell your talking to. I could buy you and your family" Alexander said straight up not wanting to waist time. He didn't want an assistant, it was his girlfriend that kept on nagging for him to get one so they could spend more time together. He didn't even like her but all for the sake of shutting her up he agreed.

Plus the thought of humiliating people seemed fun.

Victoria was taken aback by his attitude and she frowned at him, already annoyed that he made so many people come here for no reason all for him to reject them. "I don't believe you can do that, Sir" she sneered holding her hands tight as she rubbed on a scar on her arm. She often did this when a man was annoying her or when she felt very uneasy.

"Why cant I?" Alexander asked amused that the peasant spoke back.

"Because you cant buy something that is not for sale, surely you should know that-" Victoria was about to throw an insult at him but she kept her mouth shut and ignored his stare. She understood that he was richer than she would ever be but she didn't see why he was so adamant on reminding her that she is not up to his level.

"You were going to insult me?" Alexander was now annoyed at how rude she was being, didn't she want this job? Plus why did she talk to him that way, It pissed him of so much he couldn't understand why. Yet he didn't want her to leave.

"But I didn't" Victoria fired back, hating the fact that she was comfortable around him and she was never comfortable around men. Not after all she had been through. Victoria let out a sigh she wasn't one that is strict or grudge holding she had forgiving him the second after he insinuated  she was poor. "Sorry" she said lowly.

Alexander was shocked again by her apology, he never accepted apologies after all the deed is done and it is just a word but for some reason he accepted Victoria's the moment she said it. "Do you have a job" he asked looking through some files.

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