Chapter 7

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"Pose, Yes like that! Wonderful-" click, click

"Splendid" The bearded British man said. Vogue had arrived at Alexanders house 2 hours after the flirty pompous blond bimbo, they interviewed Alexander then moved unto taking photos of Xavier who looked kind of annoyed at first but Alexander had a long talk with him, he came out smiling. Ava was playing with sand at the river area and Victoria stared at her as she ran around, when she saw Ava sitting she would turn back to Xavier and make sure that everything was going smoothly as Alexander instructed her.

He was upstairs with someone called Britney whom Victoria had seen in magazine and was not surprised when she past her and went straight to Alexanders room.

Shuddering at what they would be doing she looked over to the lake area and discovered that Ava wasn't there, she was shocked at first as she looked around frantically. "A-avier!" Victoria watched in horror as Ava ran to Xavier as they took his photo, he looked at her and smiled looking relieved. The French man stopped shouting orders and watched as Ava pulled Xavier. "C-come p-play with me" she cheered playing with the ribbon on her white Sunday dress.

"Ava!" Victoria called and Ava snapped her head to her mother, as she did this Victoria heard the clicking of the camera and watched as sand flew out of Ava's hair that hung down and stopped at her waist, like her mother Ava liked long hair and braids which was why she was so happy today- Victoria had braided her front hair and tied the end with a pink ribbon and Ava was more than delighted.

"Oh my God!" she looked at the camera man in horror. "Delete that" Victoria ordered going straight to him. All she could think about was what will if he sees Ava's face on a magazine and finds out where she is. The French guy snapped his fingers and two body guards blocked Victoria's way, she watched as the French man took the camera from the person taking pictures and grinned at the picture.

"Wrap it up, we are done!" Everybody started to pack the photo equipment's "You have to admit, this is the best picture you've ever seen" he pointed the picture to Victoria's face and she stared at it. Xavier who was wearing the suit that they gave him was looking at Ava with a large smile, while Ava grabbed unto his leg, her head was arched backwards as she stared at him with a smile sand that shock of her hair was snapped in the air making it look like it was planned. It was to good of a picture to delete and Victoria knew it, but she loved her life being free and she didn't want to be found when she prefers to be lost. "I'm sorry but the deal was Xavier not Xavier and my daughter-"

"Good I'll ask Mr. King then" he gave her a forced smile and pulled out his phone "That doesn't make a- "she was cut off by a loud groan from the phone "What!" Alexander snapped making the French man smile amused as he knew what was going on, Victoria was too annoyed by the French man to think of Alexander.

He told Alexander everything and there was silence on the other side of the phone, Victoria held her breath and waited hoping Alexander would say no "Yes, sure don't call me ever again" Victoria was about to start begging but she just stood there thinking about everything. Her dream, Alexander, Him what he would do when he finds her, the pain she will go through, the pain she might not even go through because he would kill her, the pain Ava would go through, the even larger pain she would go through watching Ava in pain.

She watched him leave feeling very useless, people like her don't have a say. She thought of pressing charges but that how much would that cost? Her head felt faint, she could almost taste the vomit. Why her? was this job really worth it. She let the paparazzi thing slide cause she has covered Ava's face and hers was barely visible but this one was too much.

 Ava and Xavier had taken off to continue building castles and for the first second time since she arrived at this house she sat herself down and cried.

"Fuck" Britney moaned as Alexander slipped out of her, he felt weight that he had been carrying on his shoulders lift every thrust he made. Britney tried to capture Alexanders lips but he turned his face making her lips clash with the air, she groaned knowing that Alexander still didn't kiss women. It was worth the shot.

She didn't know why but she wanted to be the second woman he would kiss in bed, she tried again but failed. Alexander pulled completely out of Britney, tired of her, he rolled to his side of the bed and laid on his back breathing in and out. He thought about the call he got and Victoria, he knew he should have said no but he wanted to prove to himself that he didn't care about what she wanted. Clearly that didn't work. His heart ached, no matter how hard or fast he fucked Britney it didn't work, her name rang in his head, her cry from yesterday played over in his head like a bloody broken radio stuck on repeat. He was so annoyed, this type of thing never ever, happened to him, he wanted to call Luke and ask him what this feeling was but he knew Luke won't know either.

"What are you thinking about babe" Britney placed a hand on Alexanders chest and he stiffened, he gave her back her hand and stood up, he grabbed his joggers from the couch sitting on the far end and pulled it on, he picked up Britney's underwear at the door, then her bra on the couch before her skimpy dress beside the bathroom door. He threw it to her on the bed and barked an order

"Put your clothes on and get out before I come back in" Britney muttered curses at him before grabbing her things and standing up, she tried to make seductive movements but Alexander had already left the room with his phone in hand.

He passed Victoria's room and paused wanting to see what she was doing, he knew she probably hated him but that was what he wanted.

Right? Wrong, right.

He heard sniffling and stopped walking, his heart dropped to his stomach as he heard her mummering words, he questioned who she was talking to and decided to shift closer to the door so he could hear what she was saying.

"God, I know I have been a fool but your God and you forgive people" she paused "At least that is what I remember my mother saying I know you are probably tired of hearing this prayer over and over again, but God let him not find us. You and I both know that Ava is all I've got and if- if anything happens to her again, I'll die"

Alexander was about to open the door and scream God forbid but he kept quiet and listened to her prayer "Keep her safe, Keep me, Keep Xavier safe for me.-" Alexander was angered that she did not pray for him but she added "And as much of an ass hat Alexander is keep him too cause I need to get paid, plus it will be a shame for someone that good looking to die"

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