Chapter 9

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Alexander was sitting down on the stool with his phone in his hand, he had a plate of pasta in front of him and Victoria began to wander if he made it. "Good afternoon sir" she practically hissed remembering how Alexander has put not only her life but Ava's in danger. He looked at her and nodded before turning back to his phone. 

Victoria had to force herself to not look at his bare chest as she walked to were the plates where kept, she pulled out a plate for Xavier, grabbed Ava's princess plate -that's the only thing she eats with-and a bowl for herself, not feeling very hungry. When she was done dishing she looked everywhere for trays but didn't see any. She knew Alexander was amused by this but kept on watching her suffer, Victoria groaned and gave up.

"Uh, Alex- I mean Mr. King do you happen to know where the trays are?" she asked meekly, Alexander stood up and walked towards her, he walked closer to her until they were a mere hair strand away, Victoria's breathing hitched and her heartbeat sped up at the heat radiating, she looked down using that to scan his chest.

Alexander was tanned to perfection and had perfect abs, Victoria found herself staring longer than she should have, so she moved to the side to create space for him, Alexander chuckled lightly and stopped in front of Victoria he bent down and trapped her using his two hands. With a sharp intake of air Victoria tried her hardest not to move so his skin won't come in contact with hers.

Alexander reached out for the drawer behind her and opened it up, his eyes never leaving Victoria's. He shouldn't be this close to her, but he wanted to and by the panicked yet lust look in Victoria's eyes she wasn't sure what she wanted and he knew it. He looked away from her and pulled the tray out setting it on the table and walking away.

Victoria shock physically and tried to take a step afraid her feet might give up on her. What is he doing to me, she thought snapping out of her daze, she placed the three plates on the large silver tray and carried it back to her room, she opened the door with her elbow and shut it with her leg. "I am back with- "she paused and stared at Ava on the floor with a bleeding lip. She looked at Xavier who looked panicked and back at Ava, after a minute of staring in shock she screamed "Ava! What happened" she dropped the tray on the floor carefully, trying not to break it as she ran towards Ava.

"I was texting and then I heard her scream and then I looked and she must have tried to put the key in her mouth or something" Xavier said panicked as he looked at Victoria with pleading eyes, she wanted to laugh at Ava's stupidity but the blood she kept on seeing made her want to cry. After washing Ava's lips and scolding her for what felt like a millionth time Victoria took the food on the floor and shared it. "Thanks" Xavier said grabbing it and sitting on the floor next to Ava.

"Ohhh so sh-shiny and.... Shiny" Ava cooed looking at try, Victoria rolled her eyes and moved the tray away wandering why Ava was developing an interest in shiny things. "I look so f-f-funny" Ava giggled looking at her blurry reflection on the try, Xavier chuckled and kept on eating his food. "So, Xavier are you feeling better?" Victoria asked holding in a moan at how good the pasta was. He nodded a bit and forced her a closed lip smile "A little bit" he confessed. After eating they watched cartoons on the tv till Ava slept of on the bed, Victoria finished some work that she didn't do in the afternoon before deciding that she had a long day tomorrow and she needed to sleep.

"Ugh, Tori" Victoria looked at Xavier who was sitting on the floor with his pajamas. "Yes Xavier" she answered sitting on the bed, she saw the hesitation in his eyes and smiled "Do you want to sleep in my room today?" Victoria asked, making Xavier nod eagerly with a small blush, she chuckled but patted the empty space beside Ava who was now in the middle. "Good night Xavier" she said pecking him on the cheek. "Yeah goodnight" he smiled shutting his heavy eyes and going to bed.

Alexander looked at the time on his watch.


He had been thinking of what Xavier said to him and his heart ached with shame, he shouldn't have called Britney and he knew it, he sighed and rubbed his eyes as he stood up from the bed. He needed to apologize for what he had done, maybe buy something for him to make it up to him? he thought knocking opening Xavier's room door. 

He looked at the empty bed and frowned, Alexander remembered Victoria packing three plates of food and frowned even more at the thought of Xavier in her room. It's not that he minded he just didn't like the idea that Xavier was getting to close to Victoria, he didn't want Xavier getting his hopes up when something will never happen. He hesitated at first but after a few minutes he pushed Victoria's door open and stood inside, stared at her hand that was wrapped around both Xavier and Ava protectively and her parted lips... he had a lot in mind to do with those lips but he brushed the thoughts away and looked at the tv that was still on.

Walking towards Xavier, he stood staring at him. He had lied to Victoria on the plane just to make her laugh. Alexander felt something in his chest, it was what he felt every time he looked at Xavier. Love. But ever since the incident in the kitchen he has been feeling guilt in the mix, Will Xavier ever have a mother? It's the question that has been on his mind. He didn't see himself falling in love with anyone, he didn't even know if he wanted anyone. After all he grew up with a mother that was never around and the thought of Xavier going through the emotional pain he did as a child made his fist coil.

He wanted better for his son and would do anything for him, even if it meant finding love, his eyes darted to Victoria but he shook his head and kissed Xavier on the cheek and walked out of the room taking one last longing look at the bed. Something about it made him feel like something was missing. Someone rather. He shook his head again and walked to his room, thinking about Mason Blunt.

Alexander had done his research, lot of research as a matter of fact. Only one report was filed against him and the case was closed with the police and he was not surprised when Luke told him it was Victoria that filed the report. From what Ava said and from what he had heard from Luke he knew that Victoria was abused, he cringed when he remembered Ava telling him she was thrown down a building, how can someone be so cruel? Especially to someone like Victoria? Did she cheat on him when they were married? Where they even married. He groaned and shut his laptop wanting to go to bed.

"I don't care" he murmured.

"She's not mine to care about" he said again.

"I'm fine with my hoes and woes" he told himself before shutting his eyes, but he couldn't help the voice that rang in his head.

But Xavier isn't and you know you aren't.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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