Chapter Eleven

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Soon, Kat heard two pairs of feet thunder up.

''Modesty?" Kat recognized the soft voice as Mr Graves. She tensed up. Modesty didn't move from her spot. Kat stood in the middle of the room. Mr Graves entered, and he went immediately to Modesty, merely throwing a contemptuous look at Kat.

"There's no need to be afraid. I'm here with your brother, Credence." Modesty whimpered at the sound of her brother's name. Kat flinched as well. "Out you come, now." He said soothingly. Graves extended a hand towards Modesty. Kat began trembling, but then she realized it was the entire building. She stepped back and stood flat against the wall, breathing growing heavier. Graves slowly turned around, a look Kat couldn't decipher on his face. Walls began to crumble, until a figure could be seen. Kat shivered, thinking it looked like a horror movie.

"Credence...I owe you an apology..."

Kat furrowed her eyebrows. Why was he looking for an Obscurius?

"I trusted you. I thought you were my friend. That you were different." Credence's face began to contort strangely. Kat moved closer to Modesty, and due to her fear, a pure white shield was formed, protecting the two. Modesty looked frightened, yet in awe at the same time. Kat closed her eyes and shook. Accidental magic.

" You can control it, Credence." Mr Graves said.

"But I don't think I want to, Mr. Graves." Credence whispered making eye contact with Graves. Kat screamed again as the Obcurus moved through his skin, and it crashed its way and flew away.

Newt looked down from a ledge when he heard a young girl's scream. He would recognize that scream anyway.

"Kat!" He blurted out looking around furiously.

"Where?" Tina said, confused, then realized he was talking about his daughter.

"It came from over there." Jacob said pointing. His eyes were glued to the Obscurus. "Jeez...Is that the Obscuriathing?"

"That's more powerful than any Obscurial I have ever heard of..." Newt said watching. He knew what he had to do. "If I don't come back, look after my creatures. Everything that you need to know is in there." He said handing his case and a book he pulled out of his pocket to Tina. She looked baffled.


"They're not killing it. And I need to get my daughter."

Newt leapt off the roof and Disapparated. He appeared in the stairway of a home. He heard sobbing from upstairs, and another voice soothing. He rushed to see Kat crying her eyes out into a shaken Muggle girl. The girl met his eyes fearfully.

"They're gone. Both gone." Newt blinked.

"What?" At the sound of his voice, Kat looked at him, tears streaking down her cheeks.

"Daddy!" She screamed and she threw herself at him, tears soaking his overcoat. Newt hugged back. He made eye contact with the girl again.

"Thank you for taking care of my Kat." Then he Disapparated. They appeared on the edge of a roof.

"Shh...Kat. I wouldn't leave you. I promised, didn't I?" Newt soothed.

"B-but I couldn't find you and-d when he turned out to be the Obscurus..." Kat fumbled with her words, evidently still in shock.

"Who was?" Newt said sharply. Kat began crying again.

"I trusted him...I can't trust anyone!" Kat said pulling her hair. Newt tried to stop her.

"You can trust me. I've been there since you were born." Newt said softly, causing Kat to freeze.

"Aww...Theseus...she is beautiful." Newt sat outside the hospital room waiting to be allowed in. He heard the nurse coo over the baby.

"I know she is, Leta. Absolutely beautiful." Newt heard his brother respond in a bored tone. It was heartbreaking. Leta Lestrange broke his heart twice now that she had been with his brother. He couldn't face the baby. He just couldn't. With a shake of his head, he Disapparated.

A few hours later, Newt had been fussing around with Pickett, when a knock on the door could be heard. He opened the door confusedly to see no one. Instead, a baby in a basket had been placed down. With two pairs of footsteps leading away in the snow. By the baby's side, was a letter. Newt carried the entire basket in and put the baby on the table.

'Dear Newton,

I know that you are too busy with your Beasts to take care of a baby, but I had to do this. I never wanted a baby. I've managed to persuade Leta that we have better things to do then raise a child. I'm sure you understand when we say that the baby's guardianship has been handed over to you. Name her whatever you want. I don't care. Just make sure the baby's alive. Maybe we'll take her back someday.


Newt felt a sense of anger after he finished reading the letter. He ripped it up in a rage and threw it on the floor. His stupid brother being arrogant like always, couldn't even keep his own baby? Newt looked towards the baby and his gaze softened. The girl peered at him with bright brown eyes before yawning and falling asleep. Newt's heart broke.

"I will raise you," Newt whispered," as my own. You will grow up fearless and strong. You will prove that your father was wrong in giving you up. I will not let your father lay a hand on you and spread his influence, Katrina Scamander." 

Kat's eyes were full of tears after Newt had finished telling her the story - her story.

"You're not going to make me go back, right?" Kat whispered.

"Never." Newt replied, bringing her into another hug.

"I wanna go with you. To find Credence." Kat said in a small voice. Newt sighed but agreed.

"Alright. But if anything happens to you...I won't be able to-"

"That's okay, Daddy. I will survive. After all, I learn from the best."

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