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"You know, that cut is pretty badass," Fred said as he spread jelly on his toast.

"How so?" Madison asked, refilling her goblet.

"Because now you can say you were in a fight."

"But I technically lost."

"Still it earns you some street cred. You gotta have some to hang with us."

"Wow, thanks."

Madison sat beside Fred at the breakfast table with George and Lee accompanying them. She kept catching Fred looking at her out of the corner of his eye.

    "You have Moody this morning right?" Fred asked.

  "Yeah I have him second" Madison said with a nod.

  "You'll like him. He's cool," Fred said.

  "How cool is he?" Madison asks as she reaches for a piece of toast.

  "How cool is he?" Fred repeated, looking up at his brother, "how cool is he, Georgie?"

  "Beyond cool," George offered.

  "Supercool," Lee began as he spooned food into his fork, "we had him a few days ago."

"Well what was it like?" Madison asks eagerly.

  The three all share a knowing look. "Never had a lesson like it," Fred said lifting his goblet to his mouth.

"He knows, man... woman," Lee
quickly corrected.

"What does he know?" Madison said hanging onto their words.

  "Knows what it's like to be out there doing it," George answered, impressed.

"Doing what exactly?" Madison inquired.

"Fighting the Dark Arts," said Fred.

"He's seen it all," said George.

" 'Mazing," Lee said.

"Well then I look forward to it," Madison said grabbing a strawberry from the fruit platter. The four had carried on conversation with the older three cracking jokes and poking fun with Madison laughing alongside them. However, the conversation came to a halt when George noticed an envelope sticking out of Madison's book.

"What's that?" he asks, gesturing to it. Madison's gaze followed his gesture to the envelope. She pulled it out and saw the letter she had written to her parents a few days ago.

  "Ah crap," Madison said flipping it over in her hands, "it's a letter to my parents. I forgot to send it. They might kill me for not sending a letter sooner." The guys all chuckled at her dilemna.

"They can't kill you while you're here," Fred said matter of factly. Now it was Madison's turn to laugh. Knowing her mother, she would find a way. She pulled out a small slip of parchment and added a quick note to her parents explaining she had forgotten and that nothing too exciting had happened over the past few days. She reopened the envelope and slipped it inside and resealed it.

  "Don't let me forget to send this at lunch," Madison said eyeing each boy.

  Fred saluted and Lee responded with an enthusiastic "Yes ma'am!" and George simply said "You got it." A few minutes passed and the bell rang for first lesson.


"This teacup is stupid."

"I don't think an inanimate object can be stupid."

An American Fangirl at Hogwarts《1》of the ☆Ink and Pixels☆ series Harry Potter Where stories live. Discover now