Changed and unchanged Smurfette

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The next morning, Smurfette woke up on a normal morning as she yawned, jumped off of bed, and opened the door. She saw that the girl smurfs of Smurfy Grove started to learn the Smurf theme song.

Like their everyday routine, the smurfs did everything they did like cleaning, singing, dancing, chatting, and playing. It's like the Smurf Village is a very happy village.

Suddenly, someone grabbed her wrist, much to her surprise, it was SmurfBlossom. "Good morning, Smurfette!" She greeted. Do you wanna hang out with me for a little while? I'm going to show you something fun."

"Uh, sure... Okay." Smurfette said.

"Great! Now follow me!"


In the Smurf forest, not far from the village, Smurfette and SmurfBlossom are up on a tree branch, holding vines.

"Okay, Smurfette. This is kind of a raise for fun." SmurfBlossom explained. "All we have to do is to swing to the ground, run as fast we can until whoever reached that finish line first, wins!"

"I guess it could be fun." Smurfette said nervously.

'Perfect! We'll let go on the count of three. One... two... three!"

Smurfette and SmurfBlossom swing down together as they landed to the groud, and they ran towards the finish line. Smurfette ran so fast, she almost reach the finish line, but she accidentally tripped on a small rock, and stumbled down, making SmurfBlosson continue to run, until she reached the finish line.

"Yay! I win!" SmurfBlossom cheered for herself.

Seeing Smurblossom won, Smurfette suddenlt stood up angrily, and glared at the rock that she tripped on. "STUPID ROCK!" She kicked the rock from her.

Blossom heard what Smurfette said as she gasped in horror. "Smurfette, what did you say?!"

"Say what?! Smurfette asked confusingly.

"That word." Blossom left the finish line to confront Smurfette. "You said 'Stupid'... Now, I said it! Why did you say that word?"

"I... I don't know. I don't what came over me."

"Well, you better not say that word again. You never said that word or had a tantrum before."

Smurfette thought that SmurfBlossom was right. She never did those tantrums before since she turned into a real smurf.

"Maybe we need to head back to the village. Maybe you're just hungry." Blossom suggested.

"Maybe you're right. Let's go." Smurfette nodded.


When they arrived back to the village, Smurfette and Smurfblossom were eating smurberry muffins, on Table-eating smurf's table.

"Mmm, I never knew this smurfberry tastes so good." Blossom took another bite on the muffin.

"Glad you like it." Smurfette smiled.

Just then, Brainy came towards the girls with Snappy Bug in his hat, and held a clipboard on his hand. "Hello, ladies."

"Hi Brainy." Smurfette waved her hand.

"Hello Brainy." SmurfBlossom greeted dreamingly.

"Hello SmurfBlossom." Brainy greeted back also dreamingly, then snapped back to reality as she shook his head, and talked to Smurfette. "Smurfette, I need you as my assistant for my experiments today. Can you help me?"

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