Heartbreak, love, and escape

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I titled this because I don't want to spoil the surprise for you.


When the villain returned to castle with all of the smurfs of the entire village, they locked them in a cube cage, while Smurfette just sat there besides the cage, staring at the smurfs that some of them glared at her.

"How could you do this to us, Smurfette?!" Brainy asked, very hurt.

"Yeah, we were your friends! Family!" SmurfBlossom added.

"Well, I..." Smurfette stammered as she didn't know how to explain to the smurfs of what she had done to them. "I was only doing what Gargamel wanted."

"Can you do anything, Papa?" SmurfWillow asked.

"I fear not, Willow. There's no way to bring back Smurfette's smurfiness." Papa Smurf replied. "Our Smurfette is lost to us... forever."

"I should've known."

Everysmurf, and Smurfette, turned to Hefty, who was clutching the bars of the cage.

Smurfette slowly walked a little closer to Hefty. She felt so sorry for him. Not just any feeling of sorry, she felt something strong and painful that made Smurfette realized she made the biggest mistake of her life, even worse than capturing the smurfs. The two are very happy together yesterday, then sad and heartbroken today. "Hefty, I..."

"I heard what everybody said about you!" Hefty snapped at her as tears started to form in his eyes. "That you were acting strange and un-smurfy. Like you were you as your evil self, but I didn't listen! I didn't believe what they said about you two days ago! I thought you were just stressed out, so I took you out to clear your mind, but I was wrong! They were right about you! You turned evil!"

"No, Hefty, I was just..." Smurfette tried to explain, but Hefty cut her off.

"Why, Smurfette?! You've been planning to capture us?! To take us to Gargamel?! To destroy us?! Is that the reason you were carrying an egg yesterday?!"

The smurfs were confused of what Hefty said about an egg.

"Hefty, what are you talking about?" Papa asked.

Hefty didn't want to tell Papa about his and Smurfette's secret of having a picnic in the Forbidden forest, but he has to answer him. "I took Smurfette to the Forbidden Forest for a picnic, just at the dragonflies' habitat. I know they're safe and friendly, so that's where we placed our picnic. Then, I saw her carrying one of the dragonflies' eggs. I know that dragonflies would attack if we take their eggs." Then, he turned to Smurfette. "Is that your plan, Smurfette?! To lead the dragonflies to burn our village because you have their egg?!"

Smurfette was speechless and almost hurt. Many smurfs stared at her for answers, as, not only tears of fear, but tears of sadness formed in her eyes. "N-no, Hefty, I decided to bring it back, but..."

"How could you?!" Hefty started to cry, more tears fell from his eyes. "After everything we have been through together?! After the fun we had yesterday?! After I taught you to smurfboard?! After I caught from falling?! After I saved you from the dragonflies and those wild plants in the Forbidden forest?! After I take you to Smurf river, and showed you the fireflies?! How could you do this to us?! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!"

Smurfette took a little step back as Hefty yelled at her loudly and burst into hot tears, but she didn't want to see him cry because of her. She also didn't meant to hurt him like this "Hefty, I didn't mean any of these! I never meant to hurt you! Please, you must listen!" She was about to touch Hefty's hand, but he quickly retreated, not wanting her to touch him.

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