The Return of Evil Smurfette

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Later that afternoon, Smurfette decided to take a nap... to get her mind of things about Gargamel's spell that almost turned her back to her old self. She feared that it might happen. If it does, she will hurt her friends; her family, her loved ones who were nice to her all those years before and after she became a real smurf, and she will hand them to Gargamel. She was also afraid that if she turns to her old self, she will never turn back to a real smurf anymore since Papa Smurf that the smurfy spell only perform once. She snapped out of it, and fell fast asleep, wondering what her dream would be.

A book called, Smurfology, suddenly opened, revealed to be a pop-up book. The book showed a pop-up figure of the Smurf Village.

"Once upon a time, in Smurf Village, happy Smurfs were going about their happy lives completely unaware that not too far away...," The page flipped to the pop-up figure of Gargamel's castle. "...the evil wizard Gargamel was concocting a diabolical plan..." The Narrator Smurf narrated the story that Grouchy, Hefty, Clumsy, Vanity, SmurfBlossom, SmurfStorm, SmurfLily, and SmurfAggie were listening to. But the story was interrupted when the other smurfs behind them were playing dramatic background music.

"Hey. Hey! Smooth, SmurfMelody, you're upstaging the narrator!" Narrator Smurf scolded the musical smurfs.

"Yo, take it down a notch, my blues brothers." Smooth Smurf said in a cool tone.

"You heard him! Let's just calm ourselves, my blue sisters." SmurfMelody said to her fellow girl smurfs, who also play drums and flower trumpets.

"All right. All right." The smurfs nodded in agreement

"Thank you. Anyway..." Narrator continued. "So Gargamel said ,'I am making my own irresistible creation, the Smurfette, to infiltrate their village and betray the Smurfs.'"

This demonstrated of how Gargamel created Smurfette. He made her with a lump of clay, and used some kind of spell to make her alive as she smirked evilly.

"Whoa, I don't like the look on her." SmurfLily exclaimed, quite afraid.

"She's a Frankensmurf?" Grouchy commented

"Yes." Narrator replied as he turned the next page, revealing more pop-ups on how cruel she treated the smurfs. "And her evil nature took Smurf Village by storm. She even flooded our village. The Smurfs wanted her gone, but even though she was Gargamel's creation, Papa Smurf saw the good in her. With love, kindness, a complete makeover, and a secret magic spell, he turned her into a true-blue Smurf, and that is how our darling Smurfette came to be."

When the story is done, of course the boy smurfs knew her story, but the girl smurfs heard this for the first time, and they found it interesting.

"Hi." Smurfette greetedthe smurfs from afar as she was on top of a high rock, just above a small pond.

"Hi, Smurfette." Clumsy greeted her back.

"I wish I had her hair." Vanity said dreamingly.

"You have to be a girl if you want that hair." SmurfStorm whispered.

The smurfs watched Smurfette dove to the water, and they were amazed by her.

"Nice dive, Smurfette." Hefty commented.

"That was amazing!" SmurfBlossom exclaimed.

"Show-off." Grouchy muttered.

When the smurfs walked towards the pond, Smurfette came out to the surface of the water, and waved at them, but her hair, clothes, and body are still dry. Suddenly, she noticed that her hair turned short and black, her high-heeled became normal shoes, and her dress was less fashionable and became simple. "What? Oh, no." She stared at her reflection in horror as she tried to fight her transformation, but she suddenly turned back into her old self as evil Smurfette. She turned to the smurfs, and looked at them with evil eyes. "Stupid, trusting Smurfs! You're mine now!"

Blue kindness & love vs Black evilOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz