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The next morning, Papa Smurf woke up as he stretched his arms and yawned, readying for another day of preparation for Smurfette's birthday. He stopped when he saw few smurfs, and the smurflings in front of Smurfette's house.

"Rattle rabbits! There's so much to do." Sassette said.

"What's going, my little smurfs." Papa Smurf asked.

"We came to check on Smurfette, but no one could find her, Papa Smurf." SmurfPetal replied.

"Surely, we don't want to spoil the surprise party for her, so we have to check her before she saw all the decorations we made." Handy added.

Then, Vanity walked out of Smurfette's house with her compact on his hand. "Say, look at this smurfy compact I found on her dresser." He opened the compact, and saw his reflection in the mirror. "Oh my! It's even lovelier in the inside. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I borrowed it for a little while."

"Can you help us find her, Papa Smurf?" Snappy Smurfling asked.

"Yeah, she might be lost or captured by Gargamel if we can't find her." Slouchy added.

"If you wish, I'm sure she's probably out for a morning stroll." Papa said.


Out of the forest, Gargamel, Azrael, Monty, and Scruple were suffering from walking all night, following Smurfette who tried to lead them to the Smurf Village.

"I'm sure the village is straight ahead." Evil smurfette said. "It was just the other side of a

"That's what you've been saying all night." Gargamel rolled his eyes, getting tired of Smurfette's directions.

The villains stopped as Smurfette began to wonder "I could've sworn it was right here. I don't get it."

"Maybe I can." Scruple interrupted. "The Smurf Village was hidden somewhere, and can only be found and remembered by a smurf, but she's not a smurf anymore."

When Smurfette glared at the child, Gargamel narrowed his eyes at her, realizing Scruple might be right.

"I have enough with smurf hunting, Gargie. I'm outta here!" The boy said as he decided to leave Gargamel, and Azrael and Monty agreed and followed him.

Gargamel sat on a rock, and rubbed his foot in pain. "Ow, my aching feet!"

"Maybe the village is that way." Smurfette pointed her left.

"Oh, shut up..." Gargamel didn't believe her as they heard voices from afar.

"Smurfette! Oh, Smurfette!"

Realizing it was the smurfs they've heard, Smurfette quickly took out her blonde wig, and wore it on her head to cover her black hair. "Uh-oh, if they see me with you, the jig is up."

Papa Smurf, Hefty, SmurfStorm, and the smurflings were looking for Smurfette, until they saw her with Gargamel.

"Look, he's got her again!" Nat Smurfling yelled.

"Hurry, smurfs, we must save her." Papa said as they ran to save Smurfette.

"Uh-oh." To save Gargamel and herself for finding out about their evil plan, Smurfette has a plan. She put the butterfly net on Gargamel, and pretended to be in danger. "Help! Help!"

"Get this off me, you fool!" Gargamel demanded as he tried to break free from the net.

"Quiet, Gargamel!" Smurfette growled as she jumped on Gargamel's foot and ran away with smurfs as part of her play, making the wizard yelled in pain.

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