Birthday Disaster

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The next morning, at Gargamel's castle, Azrael told his master, Monty, and Scruple about what happened last night when he went out for a stroll. Since he can't speak, the cat just gestured his explanation.

"Yes, yes, you're strolling last night. Then, what did you saw?" Gargamel asked.

To demonstrate, Azrael turned around, wrapped his arms around himself, and made kissing noises. The three villains who had been watching, glanced at each other, puzzled at what the cat was doing.

"I don't get it." Scruple said.

Azrael glared at the boy, then he just meowed to explain what he was explaining. Only Gargamel can understand him.

"SHE WHAT?!" The wizard shouted in anger. "That little blue traitor!" But the cat interrupted him to explain more by meowing again. "What? You mean she made a trail that can lead us to the village?"

Azrael jumped to the window where the telescope was place. He put the telescope on Gargamel's eyes, and pointed the trail of stone near the bridge on the other side.

"I guess she didn't betray us after all." Gargamel chuckled evilly as he announced to his companions and grabbed a butterfly net. "Azrael! Monty! Scruple! We're back in business, boys! We will get those smurfs, and this time, we will not fail."


At Smurf Village, all of the smurfs and smurfettes (except Smurfette) woke up very early to arrange the party decorations for Smurfette's birthday. Since today is the day, they all have to hurry before Smurfette wakes up.

"The banner goes over there, please, thank you!" SmurfAggie commanded.

The two smurfs carried a banner that says 'Happy Birthday, Smurfette', and placed it on the middle, where Handy and the other smurfs placed tables and chairs. The fancy ones were for Smurfette since it's her special day.

"I love the piñata, by the way." Aggie added when she saw Grouchy hanged the Gargamel piñata on a wooden post.

"How's that, Gutsy?" Grouchy asked.

"A little lower, Grouchy." Gutsy Smurf said as he held a large wooden stick. "I want to be able to whack him right in the smurfberries."

Then, SmurfBlossom passed by the two boys when she saw them playing the un-whacked piñata. "Hey, Grouchy! Hey, Gutsy!" She greeted, then she saw a few girl smurfs carried a giant five-layered pink cake with blue flowers and strawberries at the bottom. "What a cake! Smurfette's gonna love this party!"

Then, Baker noticed a bite from Smurfette's cake. "Hey, who smurfed a bite out of Smurfette's birthday cake?"

"Not me." Nat Smurfling answered.

"I don't know." SmurfHazel replied.

"Greedy?" SmurfStorm glared at Greedy Smurf.

"What? Why you all looking at me?" Greedy muffled with his mouth full of cake, and his face was covered with icing.

One of the tables is where the smurfs placed their presents for Smurfette, which Brainy was in-charge of with Snappy Bug in his hat. The bug also checked on Smurfette's presents to count them or something else.

Then, Jokey placed a gift and a birthday card on the table. "Hey, Brainy, here's my present for Smurfette's surprise party."

"Come on, Jokey, do you really think that I would fall for your sophomoric gag?"

"Yep." Jokey replied.

"This is Smurfette's birthday. You can't just pull a prank on her. Just give me the card." When Brainy snatched the card from Jokey, he opened it, making the card exploded with confetti on his face, which made Jokey laughed. "Out-smurfed by a simpleton." Brainy murmured.

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