Part 1

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You groan at the sound of the birds chirping around you, you didn't had any home, you leaved the only roof you had. You joined them thinking they were good, that they wanted to do good to the world, but when you were face to face with the Avengers you saw the worst part of the group you joined. You began searching inside some abandon base, at first you never had anyone suspect you of anything until they began. It was the worst you could lived after that.

They had you tied up to a chair and they tortured you for hours, you never gave up after these few hours so this became regular, every day they would get you out of your cell and bring you in hell for your daily torment you whenever they had the pleasure to do it. Even if your were screaming or crying they would continue.

After you had the opportunity to escaped from this hell you took it. The help came from an unexpected source, the Winter Soldier. At some time he was the one to watch over when you were in cells, they knew you wouldn't be able to escaped but they put him there anyway. After some time you would talk to him and gave him the food you didn't ate, he would never stop you when you were talking or refused the food you gave him. The men you thought was frightening was finally only lonesome and silent, when he was alone around you he wasn't the same man as when other agent were around.

Everything that he remember, he would tell you for you to tell him after they wipe him. Whenever he was questioning himself he would go to you, when he saw how they were torturing you he helped you to escape that base. Since that day you were wandering around some forest, you didn't see any town or any human being, only animals. You were beginning to go insane, you had some difficulty trying to find water that was good to drink and food when you have nothing to kill was almost impossible. You were still walking but you didn't even knew where you were.

Your body finally gave up and you lost conscious, lack of water and food has let you so weak that you couldn't keep living like that. After the help of the Winter Soldier, you wouldn't be able to survive more than a few weeks. Before you would lost completely consciousness you were able to hear someone voice, you wished that it wasn't an HYDRA agent, you were so scared to be lock and tortured again.

When you opened your eyes you weren't outside anymore, you didn't recognized your surroundings. You sit in the bed and looked around, all of the walls was in glass, you were able to see mostly everything that the people around were doing. When a woman enter in the room you tense up, you still didn't know where you were, but it didn't seemed like HYDRA at all, they wouldn't had heal you if they had found you, they would had let you die. She only smile at you but she didn't approach you, she saw that you were scared and didn't want to make you panic.

"Don't be scared, I only want to see if your okay." she talked softly in a low voice.

You let yourself relax and nod at her, she approach you slowly.

"You were in pretty bad shape out there you know." She seemed worried about you even if she didn't knew you, you couldn't help the dark chuckle that you let out.

"I lived worse in the last months..." she had a sad smile, she saw all of your scar you had all over your body.

You let her check you and she leave after she was pleased with your result, nothing was wrong for now. You look at your hands and sigh, what would you do after all this. You were feeling bad that he help you and now all that you want was to sleep and disappear from this surface. When you looked up you saw a young woman enter the room with a soft smile.

"H...Hi I'm Wanda..." she wasn't sure if you want her to approach you so she stay near the door. "Is it okay if I came to talk with you?"

You nod at her question and she approach slowly of the bed and took place on the chair who was beside the bed. She seemed relieved to see you, why all the people that saw you seemed relieved.

"Steve would be happy to know that you're okay..." she then looked at you and saw that you seemed confused at what she said. "Hum, he's the one that found you unconscious on the ground in the forest." It must have been his voice that you heard before everything went black. "Why were you there?"

You looked at her surprised and worried, you don't want to talk about it, but when you look at her it's like you want to talk to her. She was friendly and you seemed to have already saw her, but you weren't able to see where.

"Are you okay ?" she was worried, but when she try to take your hand you took it back and bring it to your body.

"You were there... you were there too... I remember seeing you... you weren't alone..." you were rambling and she didn't knew what you were talking about. You stop abruptly and look at her. "Where are we?"

Wanda was shocked and confused, she had difficulties trying to follow your thinking flow. She tried to enter in your head to see anything but she was not able to focus on something specifically.

"We are in Wakanda." She answer in short sentence to see if you were still with her, you seemed everywhere at the same time, it was a strange feeling.

"Wakanda...seriously? I walk from this base to Wakanda..." you seemed to finally calm down and she tried to see some of you memory but she was shocked of what she saw.

She got up in one go and that sent the chair she was on further in the room, you looked at her shocked. She seemed to decide if she ask you about what she saw or if she go tell Steve and T'Challa about it. She was about to say something when Steve enter the room and saw the chair on the floor and Wanda like she saw a ghost.

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