Part 3

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It's now been a month since Steve had woke up Bucky from the cryo and you weren't ready to go see him. You were panicking whenever you were going to see him, Wanda and Steve try their best so that you didn't saw him. It began to be hard and you knew that you ask so much from them and it made you feel bad about it. You were beginning to think of leaving this place to let them live at least a normal life.

You went to the waterfall to ease your mind, to help you to think of what to do. When you were there, it was easy to relax. You were beginning to wonder what HYDRA did to you, some strange thing were happening recently and it made you wonder what was wrong with you.

You lay down on the side of the little river, you let your hand in the water still listening to the waterfall rumbling in the back. You were lost in thought, you then saw a blue light coming where your hand was in the water and the water began to froze, you removed your hand fast and looked at it. The ice slowly melt from the water around it, you didn't know what to think about it, what was going on with you.

"Y/N is something wrong?" you heard a voice, but the thumping of your heart in your ears was stronger.

You were looking at your hands, you were thinking that you were cold, but you thought it was because of the water near you.

"What is going on..." you mutter to yourself trying to understand what you just did, but no logical idea came to you. "What did they do to me..." you heard footstep and you jumped.

You turned around to see Wanda approaching you slowly, she didn't want to scared you, she seemed to had understand what was going on. She was smiling at you to try to calm you down.

"I know that it's hard to understand what is going on." she stopped and looked at you softly. "Please let us help you to understand what is going on..."

"What did they do to me?" your voice was shaking, you weren't able to think about anything, what would you do, what would happen to you. "Why did they do this..."

Wanda looked around but you didn't knew why, you were to shaken by what you just did. You didn't heard other footstep approaching. When you looked up there was a man before you, you didn't saw him here before. The time you were trying to find where you saw him you heard an evil laugh behind you, you froze. Wanda and the men had worried expression, they looked at each other trying to think as fast as they could but before they could move the person who laugh was now right behind you. He tried to take you but you dodge him and run where Wanda was, you weren't thinking anymore, your body was moving on his own.

"You think that you'll escape from us?" he laugh again, and it gave you goose bumps.

It took all of the little courage you got to turn around to look at him, you glared at him.

"What did you do to me!" you screamed trying to hold your tears.

"We upgrade you." he said it like it was normal for him to say it. "You were promised to big thing you know."

You didn't want to hear his voice anymore, you hate hearing his voice, seeing him made you sick. He was still talking but you, you were trying to calm down, your blood was boiling with rage, something you never felt before.

"S-stop...Stop...STOP!" your voice came more stronger than you thought.

Wanda run to her friend and envelop each other with a protection bubble, there was ice everywhere. They looked at you with round eyes, they don't know what to say, what to do. You looked at the men who was now a big block of ice, your vision became blurry and everything went black. The man beside Wanda run to you, he was worried about you, he sigh in relief when he saw that you were still breathing.

"What just happen?" he looked at the woman who approach him and at the man in the ice.

"They didn't torture her Bucky..." she let him think of what they could had done to you and look at the unconscious woman in his arms. "They test on her..."

He looked at Wanda shocked by what she said, he never thought they would do that on you, since you wanted to leave them. He then froze, were they trying to do something like him, like the winter soldier, wipe her when that was need.

"Were they trying to redo the Winter Soldier?" he ask without asking anyone but Wanda seemed to know the answer.

"Yes... she heard them talking about it." she was now crouched beside him and put her hand on your forehead to see your temperature. "She is cold." she turn around when she heard footstep.

"What is going on?" Steve looked around confused. "What happen, who did that?"

Wanda and Bucky looked at each other then at Steve where T'Challa joined him.

"She did..." was the only thing Wanda was able to say, they were all surprised by what happened.

They tried to understand what could happened, but the only thing that was possible was that you did, and Wanda confirm it. Bucky is still shocked by what he heard Wanda said to him. He let Steve took you in his arms and follow him, still lost in thought. They brought you inside in the same room you were a month before and they looked at the man in the ice, sadly he didn't survive the froze state. They were worried about you, you were beginning to feel better, but that was what they thought.

For you it was totally another thing, you were stressing for all and nothing. Whenever you heard this specific man's voice, your heart was thumping so hard that it hurt you and you couldn't understand why it was so hard to understand your feelings.

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