Part 5

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Wanda bring you to the river, she knew that you want to go there, since you had ask her. But you were scared of what you'll see there. Was the man still there or did they bring him out of there. What he dead, you didn't know, you were scared of what you were able to. Steve join you after a few minutes, he seemed worried.

"I need to talk to you Y/N." you looked at him confused, Wanda was as confused as you were. "We'll go inside."

The two of you follow Steve inside a big conference room where Bucky, T'Challa, Clint, Sam & another red hair woman were. Wanda went hugging the woman that you never saw before, she then approach you to introduce herself, Natasha Romanoff. You had heard this named be said before, it wasn't unknown to you.

"Please sit down." Natasha showed you a seat in front of everyone, you were beginning to worry.

"What is going on?" asked Wanda seeing the they surround you.

Steve gave her a look and she sit back in her chair still searching what was going on. Natasha then took out some paper from her case and shove them before you. You looked at each of the paper, still trying to understand what is going on, you then looked at the woman before you.

"What are these?" you asked her, but she seemed to not believe a word you are saying.

"It's you isn't it?" you couldn't help but nod at her, it was you on these picture, but it was the first time you saw them. "Tell me who you are!"

She seemed angry, but all you ever remember is joining HYDRA because you thought that they were good and then leaving with the help of the Winter Soldier. But these picture made you see some part of yourself that even you never knew about. You lay back in the chair lost in your thought, searching of when you would have done mission like that. You were never send on mission, you were seen like some useless agent.

"Tell me what are these picture!?" she was getting angry but you couldn't answer, you didn't know.

"I don't know... I don't remember any of these..." you took one between your finger, still trying to find any little clue that could help you. "I-I don't remember any of these..."

Natasha was about to scream at you but a loud bang made most of the people in the room jumped, all eyes were turn to Bucky, who was now up from his chair. He seemed angry for what was going on, Steve looked at him, trying to understand what was going on.

"What is all this?" he ask, his jaw clench. "What are you trying to do?"

"Buck, calm down." he approach his friend, but he slap his hand and got out of the room.

"I'm sorry, but I don't understand either." Wanda was looking at Natasha, then Steve to understand.

"She's lying." said the red hair woman, but Wanda shook her head.

"I can't find any of these memories in her head." She got up and took your hand and got you up from the chair and bring you out of the room, but before she got out she stopped. "She's telling the truth."

she got you out of the room where Bucky walked with you, the two of them was shocked by how they treat you.

"I'm sorry..." you whisper made the two of them stop, you look at them still trying to remember everything. "I-I..." you then put your hands over your mouth. You had flash of some memories.

You dash back into the room you just got taken out and they all looked at you with round eyes, Wanda and Bucky following you confused.

"Show me those picture again." you gulp loudly and she gave you the picture, you looked at each of them, you then stop on a specific picture.

You keep one in your hand and put the others on the table, you approach Bucky and show him the picture. He looked at it trying to understand why you showed it to him.

"You were there too." you were now shaking, you didn't know why, but you were. "You were training me. I was to become another Winter Soldier." he took the picture from your hands and looked at you, then bring his attention to the picture again.

You were trying to remember everything, but you still had some blank. You dash to the other picture, trying to help your memories, but nothing came. You turn to Natasha and you remember why you knew her.

"You were trained in the red room didn't you?" she froze at your statement. "I-I was their weapon, I was created after they did the Winter Soldier."

They were all looking at you with round eyes, they weren't sure what they had to believe now.

"They wipe you out." these words were like a bomb on you, you turn to Bucky. "After every mission."

"Wipe him, wiped her..." your lips were shaking, you were remembering some of your past that you never thought were true. "We heard them say that so many times."

Natasha was still shocked about all this. Steve looked at Bucky worried that he might lose control, but he was looking at the picture then at you. They were all shocked by what they heard, was that why HYDRA was still working to find you, why were you able to ice that HYDRA agent that try to take you. That even you, you weren't able to tell for now, your memory was still blurry, but you would do everything you could to remember. All this shocked you and you need to know what happen while you were under their control. What did you do, who did you kill, where did you go.

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