Part 2

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"Wanda, are you okay?" he approach her and put his hand on her shoulder, she looked at him surprised.

"S...Steve...she...she..." she couldn't form a sentence correctly, she was still wondering what she saw in your head.

"Calm down Wanda, what are you talking about?" he got the chair back on her feet and made Wanda sit down on it.

She snap her head up and frown at you, you were panicking. Your lips were shaking and you want to told them everything but you were scared, scared of what could happen. Would you be send in a cell and be tortured again, that was your worst fear.

"She's a HYDRA..." she said it in one breath, so fast that Steve had to think before realizing what she said he then look at you frowning.

"Please listen to me..." you were trying to talk but he got out of the room so fast that he wasn't able to hear you. "Please...after he help me to escape this hell...please..."

He came back in the room with another men, you were looking at them frighten of what would happen.

"Please at least let me tell you what happen..." they heard you, you were sure of it, but they stood each side of the bed. "please... I don't want that the Winter Soldier helped me for nothing... I'm begging you..."

Steve froze at the name, he was now looking at you with round eyes. You now had all of his attention. They were all looking at you now.

"Why do you know this name?" he sit on the bed and gulp loudly.

"Like she said...I WAS a HYDRA agent... because I thought they would do something good, but oh was I so wrong..." you bite your lips and played with your hands nervously. "They are the worst people living... they want nothing but bad..."

"So you're not with them?" ask the black men crossing his arms.

"I'm not anymore... I was throw in a cell and tortured... my scar should prove that I wasn't treat the best way..." you show them your arms, they were covered in cuts and burns scars. "I try to find their goal... the Winter Soldier was the one checking on me... but he wasn't a bad man..."

Steve looked at Wanda, then and the other men. He couldn't believed what he was hearing, he didn't want to stop you.

"Every time he remembered about something he would tell me for when they would wipe him I could make him remember it... " you stop to remember some of the thing he told you. "Steve...he grow up with him...Sarah... I think it was his mother's friend... the war... the train...and. and..."

"Please stop..." Steve got his hand up for you to stop, you stopped and looked at him, he was biting his lips trying not to cry. "Bucky remembered all this?"

"Bucky... wait! you're the men from the bridge ?!" you shot on your knees approaching him, the men at you side was preparing himself in case you attacked, Steve nod at you. "He knew you...but he couldn't remember from where... they wiped him shortly after that... but at this moment, he seemed so broken."

He sigh and you could only look at him, if they put you in a cell after, at least you would had done everything you could to avoid it.

"Let's find her some clothes... I want her to see him..." Steve was up and got to the door.

"Are you sure about that Steve ?" the men follow him. "She could be lying..."

"But she's not..." finish the girl still sitting on the chair. "She told the truth."

They looked at her before going out, she then looked at you smiling.

"I'll go get you something to change into." she got up and was out of the room.

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