Part 9

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When the jet finally returned to Wakanda, the little girl in your arms was sound asleep. You got out and went directly to you room to put her in your bed. You had an hesitation, you want to go and talk to them, but you were also scared that she would woke up from a nightmare. You finally decided to joined the others in the big living room, they all looked at you trying to understand what was going on.

"Sorry." you whispered while sitting on one of the couch. "I'll explain everything..."

You let out a shaky breathe and they all took place around the room, some of them was still up, when others sit down. You took a quick look at Bucky who was a little further lean on the wall. You bite your lips before finally be able to tell them who was this little girl.

"About Robin it's a little complicated, but she's mine and Bucky's daughter..." you saw that Bucky looked at you with round eyes, but you drop your eyes to the floor unable to maintain eye contact with anyone. "I-I forgot about her until I was on the chair... I remember her blue eyes, but I couldn't say who she was."

You decided to wait a few second if anyone wanted to say something but nobody talk, you hear some movement and a door closing with a loud bang that made you jumped. When you looked up Bucky was gone from the room, you heard a little voice behind you and when you looked back you saw her gripping the hem of her shirt, trying to hold her tears. You couldn't help but smile at her, you got up and approach her you lean down and pass her arms around her small body.

"Did you had a nightmare?" she simply nod at you and you took her in your arms before going back on the couch, you stroke her hair softly to help her fall asleep. "He might not remember, we were teamed to go on a mission, and a thing bring another one... when they found out I was pregnant they try to see if she was able to be trained, but I snapped out whenever they tried anything on her."

"So they put her in cryogenic sleep." Natasha said trying to grasp every information.

"They didn't want to lose me, they thought she wasn't strong enough to support their training." you took a deep breath. "I forgot, my own daughter... I-I feel so useless."

"You remember her now." Wanda got up and sit beside you with a soft smile, you nod at her.

You were finally able to bring her out, without any of you being hurt. But you know you'll have to talk to Bucky.

"Why do you say it's Bucky the father?" Steve was trying to make you doubt.

"Because you think that I would do it with anyone?" you looked at him. "They didn't want him to know any of this, because it might have him snap out and I wasn't able to tell him because we were never together after that."

Steve had seemed to calm down, they seemed to believe you. You were sad and happy at the same time, you were happy that you had her back, but sad that you lie to them in a way. They finally all went to bed one after another, Wanda stayed with you the longest.

"Is she going to be okay?" she seemed worried about Robin.

"She should be now, but she might still have some nightmare." you looked at her, it relaxed you hearing her breathe slowly. "I'll go to sleep now, thank you Wanda."

She simply smile at you, you went to bed, not long after you hit your pillow you were sound asleep with your daughter next to you.

Bucky was sitting on the couch in the living after everyone went to bed, he couldn't sleep so he sit there and stay awake all night. The sun was slowly making his way up, it was still strange for him to be free. He jumped when he heard foot step behind him, he turned around so fast that the little thing fall on the floor yelping in surprise. He got up and approach her slowly not sure how to act around her, when he gave her his hand to help her get up, she took it. When she was up she looked at him without saying a word.

"Who are you?" she saw his metal arm, he wasn't sure about it either since it was new to him.

She looked so innocent, why would HYDRA do something to her. He was looking at her without knowing what to say.

"Are you okay?" she tilt her head trying to see any reaction from him. "Are you hurt? I can get mommy if you're hurt." she was beginning to worry.

"I'm okay, I'm Bucky." he thought that she didn't know who he was, but oh was he so wrong.

"Oh, so you're my daddy." he froze at her words, he didn't know how to react to her statement.

She walked around him and got on the couch and sit on it. She seemed a little lost and didn't know what to do, did she had a little fun or was she always locked up. It sting his heart thinking that she could have been locked since her birth.

"What are you doing?" he approach the couch and looked at her, she turned around and looked at him. He lost himself in her big blue eyes.

"I'm hungry...but mommy is sleeping." she knew what she want, but seemed to never asked for it. Being a silent child.

He chuckle and went to the kitchen under the curious eyes of the small one. He looked what was in the fridge and sigh, what could she eat. When he was about to turn around to ask her what she would like to eat she was right beside him, he didn't heard her approach him.

"What are you doing?" it made him smile, she was at least curious about everything he was doing.

"I'm trying to see what you could eat."

She took a peak in the fridge that was still open, her face light up, he looked at her confused. She seemed to have found something interesting, he let her go to take what she saw, it was apples and plums.

"You want these?" she nod energically, he took the fruits from her hands and took some more in the fridge.

He decide to cut them in smaller parts, she stayed near him looking at him curiously. He them put everything in a small bowl and he got to the couch where she followed him. He sit down and she went beside him.

"Here." he said putting the bowl down for her to took some pieces of plums and eating them happily.

He didn't knew that this small human could make him relax that much, he was looking at her, trying to figure out how could she do that.

"It's because she don't understand how human can be evil." he jumped up and looked at who it was, you were smiling at him.

You hair were tangled, but you were worried when you didn't saw her in the bed with you. When you went to the kitchen you saw Bucky cutting some fruits, and you saw her beside him. It melt your heart, you know that he might not accepted her, but he seemed curious about her.

"Mommy!" the smile on her face brighten, she showed you the plum pieces in her hands with a smile.

"He cut you some fruits?" she nod before going back to eat the pieces. "Thank you Bucky."

He seemed still unsure about you, but he seemed to have think about all this. You'll have to work with what you had now, trying to keep your daughter safe was your more important priority for now and that would stay like that for some time.

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