2: Heart Banquet ❣

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We looked like the celebrities of our own hometown

In a party with your tuxedo and my ball gown

The magical night was much filled with our chemistry

Like the stars in the sky, caressing our destiny

I looked at you with your friends near the front table

You smiled at me sheepishly and became unstable

Until our old friends caught us starring at each other

Then made the crowd went wild for us to be together

I remember how the half of your heart searched for mine

The sweet Cadbury that made me feel perfectly fine

With a piece of rose that almost matched my new hairstyle

Our lone pictures together that made all things worthwhile

Being with you was like a vast clock ticking so fast

Like a kaleidoscope of butterflies for a blast

Photo booth taking ended swiftly yet so sweetly

So I went back home and thanked the stars that shined brightly

-A ❣

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