30: Winter Solitude ❄️

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Snowflakes fall like autumn leaves
Covering the town for early eves
The cold breeze gently touches my skin
A sense of shiver stays on my chin
Heavy fogs fly up at the sky
As the snowy owl passes by
Woodpeckers are busy with the trees
Spiders are now creating their own bliss
Butterflies migrate and the geese depart
Farewell to those who have been set apart
Nature's signs are coming in
Winter solitude appears again
So Christmas will be spent by myself alone
In the middle of this forest that would remain unknown
Yet still I'll set up my artificial pine tree
And decorate my bungalow with lights gladly
It is a time to unwind and reboot my brain
A moment to detox this worthless pain
Isolation will never turn out into loneliness
For contentment is mine despite of my aloneness

-A ❄️

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