27: Excuse of Time ❣

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A rare excuse gave us the chance to talk again

Searching for the lost slice of fate's wicked vain  

My missing poetry was the reason why

Whereabouts were deleted by your goodbye

Unleashing hope was grim for it to be seen

'Til old page appeared in an unlooked-for scene

Pride was swallowed to merely find it from you

Temptation craved to not make the exchange through 

Minutes passed, then we talked about compliments

You commended my writings and sentiments

With your admiration shall my heart rejoice

Still it delights in you with no other choice

Hours passed, you were absorbing poem's quantities;

Yearning for another new varieties 

Coveting the evening to create your own

Glad that my verses influenced you alone

Time was over, I wanted to say goodbye

Even though that was purely a white lie

You thanked me for the time and my answered call 

My reply to you was "no trouble at all"

Words inside my brain suddenly pushed me

Each letter screams in superlative degree

Punctuation marks expressed deep emotions

Through keys will my poetry bursts explosions

So truth prevailed over it was troublesome

Counterpart had sounded like it was wholesome

No it was no't and will never ever be 

For it brought back the pain; things I didn't plea

-A ❣

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