25: Christmas Love ❣

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They trim the tree with a red ribbon

While I wish you'd be here with bells on

Don't want to get tinsel in tangle

As long as you and I won't wrangle

But maybe it is written in stars

To beat blues and grant the wish of ours

'Cause now there's a tall figure lurking

Under that mistletoeyou're twinkling

Have you heard the song I was singing?

Whistling wind might too be perceiving

How it startles me to see you here

For my wish upon a star is near

Though it's been a long time since we met

Cliché gloss do not arise onset

I don't feel any rush but an ease

Every time we're together in peace

You're right beside me like you won't leave

While your sweet scent emanates this eve

I stare at you while you turn things warm

We spend this time to collide our charm

-A ❣

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