Noir ~ Lonely

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   'Saviour will be there when you're feeling alone oh, Saviour for all that you do so you live freely without their harm' Black Veil Brides blasted in my ears. I was sitting on the swing in my local park letting the cool air hit my body, I mean a lot has been going on lately in my life and most of the time I just need a few god damn minutes to myself. You want to know why? Fine... well to begin with I have no father, OK I do but I don't know him, I keep asking my mother about him but she changes the subject. When I was 4 or 5 my mum married but turns out the man she married turned out to be a women beater, he would rape my mother then after he would make my mum watch as I got beaten to a pulp. I had to go to hospital over 13 times. After that we moved to get away from him it's worked so far. 

Anyway back to the present as I was sitting on the swing set letting my mind blast over with music, I turned face towards ancient tree which I adored for some odd reason; as I gazed upon this old tree I saw a dark figure just sat there staring at the floor. After concentrating on the boy for over 5 minutes my phone began to ring and I jumped out of my skin! The boy looked up at me as I was trying to find my phone frantically.

"Hello?!" I asked.

"_____ It's mummy can you go to the groceries store and by some potatoes please. It's for dinner tonight" My mother begged down the phone.

"Alright I'm on my way, bye" As I hung up the phone I grabbed my stuff and headed down the streets.

It soon began to get dark and knowing me I hate walking in the dark even in my own house I don't like it, anyway as I was hunched over trying to fast walk to the store I saw a red car pull up beside me. I freaked out!

"Hey__________ want to come in my sweet ride and we could go back to my place?"

"No thanks Ben I'm on my way to the groceries store for my mum"

"Oh come on disobey orders and come with me" Ben began to stop the car and what I could see was that 6 different guys which weren't from my school started to climb out of the car. This was my chance to start running. As I bolted down the narrow pathway I could hear my name getting louder and louder, they were getting close and fast. But stupid of me I had to go and trip didn't I? I soon got to my feet but it was too late they had already caught up and was backing me down a dark alley (WOW stereotypical or what?).

"You can't get away from me now can you_____?" Ben was getting closer and closer towards my face. So you know what I did? I kicked him in the balls :D I quickly ran passed Ben, trying to get passed him and out of the alleyway; but I was soon grabbed by my hair and up against the brick wall.

"You're not getting away that easy" Ben forcefully began kissing me. I tried to push him away but he pushed me even harder against the wall. His hands started wondering around my body, it didn't feel right. Once he stopped kissing me I screamed out loud trying get bystander's attention.

"Help, Help me!" a hand slapped against my face, I could feel my cheek burning; I cried even harder than before.

"That's what you get for moving and screaming too much" Ben shouted in my face.

"Let go of me you Bastard!" I was expecting a slap but instead I got a punched in the stomach. My eyes widened and my lungs gave out to a big screech.

"Now bitch be quite and enjoy this moment." All I could do was just stand there and let him take advantage of me.

Noir's POV

After seeing that girl sit on the swing set sort of made my day, I know it sounds weird but it's nice to be around people once in a while; not too many people but a couple would be nice once in a while. I missed having company...after I watched as she left the park and walk down the pathway it began to get cold; I got up and started walking towards the shop to get a bite to eat then head home. The wind began to pick up and I started to walk even faster.

"Help, Help me!" I heard from 10 feet away; clear a day (Rhymed lol). It sounded like the girl from the park. What should I do? Help her? Walk off? Million questions ran through my head; I stopped I need to help her! Moved down the small steps nearer to the alleyway; I peeked down into the darkness and once my eyes got used to it I saw the girl from the park having her clothes taken off. Her face covered with tears and her cheek red. All I wanted to do is beat the crap out of these jackasses and take her, make her feel safe.

"Leave her alone!" I shouted at the group of preps. One of them peered up from the girl and whispered something to the others. All of them at once came at me with full force apart from their leader which was still trying to get in her pants. As they were heading towards me they started throwing punches which I of course dodged, as they were attempting to hit me I swerved passed them heading towards the girl.

"Get the fuck off her!" I spat in his face.

"Who are you? Her boyfriend?"

"So what if I am let her go" with that said with all my force I pushed him off of her and onto the ground where I repeatedly punched him in the jaw. I felt hands wrap around my waste and I instantly stopped.

"Thank you..." angel... that's all I could think about what her voice sounded like. I got up and stared at her face. She had cuts all on her right side off her face.

"You okay?" I asked shakily.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks"

"Do you want some spare clothes my place is just round the corner?"

"Don't say you want to get in my pants as well I had a pretty bad day so?"

"No I would never do anything like that!"

"Okay" she smiled sweetly I took her hand and pulled my jacket over her shoulders.

Your POV

He gently lead me up some steps towards his apartment and unlocked the door, I was soon met by little paws against my legs; I peered down and glanced at a small papillon dog.

"Twix leave her alone"


"It's my dog's name I couldn't think of anything and I was eating a Twix so I named him Twix okay"

"Okay okay can I use your bathroom to get changed?"

"Yeah sure I'll get you some clothes" I sat on the couch bending down to stroke Twix near the ears and grabbed a squeaky toy and threw it. Moments later he came back with some folded clothes and a towel.

"Here you go I brought you a towel just in case you go for a shower, it's the second door to the right" he gave me a big smile and handed me the pile.

"Cheers" walking along the corridor I could hear the small pitter patter of small paws following me, turning my head I could see Twix trotting along behind me.

"Twix leave her alone!" a small chuckle sounded from my lips as I closed the door to the bathroom. I unravelled the towel and clothes spilled to the floor as I was picking them up I noticed something tucked into the pocket of the skinny jeans.

Sorry I didn't tell you my name is Noir
Here is my number if you wanna call me anytime
555 --- --- xx

A small smile spread across my face as I shoved the note back in the pocket. I looked at the clothes he gave me next () they were cute I got to admit. 10 minutes later I got out of the shower and into the clothes given to me; peering into the mirror I thought I looked cute. Walking out of the room I got a massive smell of chippy filled the room; two plates laid out and music playing in the background. I shuffled over to the table moving my head to trying and find Noir.

"Hey I got some chips whilst you were in the shower"

"Oh thanks I will text my mum that I'll be late home"

"I can give you a lift home after"

"Yeah sure thanks the names ______ by the way" Noir smiled and took a chair from the table and as I was sitting down the gentlemen that he was tucked it in for me. We chatted about are likes and dislikes; about music and about the perfect match (Weird I know) we had a lot in common.

On the way home we joked around and when we finally stopped at my house Noir took my hand in his and leaned in... I jerked forward meeting in the middle; I could feel sparks as we kissed.  

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