Blaine ~ Originally Jock

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          The plane doors opened and the freezing cold air hit me straight away, I began to and my family have just arrived in England; I've heard that it's so nice here. God I hope so I don't want to go through the hell I went through back in Florida.

"Come on now we need to grab our bags and head to our new home!" my mother screamed excitedly. I hung my head walking slowly behind my family. I just wanted to go to my new home and just sleep I was shattered. We waited until our bags came and then headed to the taxi. The ride there was also freezing I couldn't feel my fingers, all my toes were numb. After 40 Minutes of driving in a cramp, cold cab; we finally made it at our new house. It looked like a cottage, I walked inside on my right I saw what could be our living room and to my left would be the kitchen. Straight ahead there were 4 doors thinking they were the 3 bedrooms and the bathroom.

"You can choose whatever bedroom you want just not the one straight forwards." My mother whispered in my ear. I carried on walking heading towards the second door to the left. Thank god it was a bedroom, it was fairly big and it appeared like I have my own door to the bathroom. Awesome!

"Bow?" I turned my head to find my little sister Isabella.

"What is it Iz?"

"Mama said her and papa are going to shop and will be back in a time" I casually laughed and put her on my lap.

"Oh alright. Hey Iz do you want to go to the park?"

"Yeah!" we grabbed our coats; me making sure that Isabella was nice and toasty- I'm a protective brother like that- After 20 minutes of walking we finally came across a park.

"Bow Bow can you push me on the swing?"

"Sure" I peered over to find a girl on the only swing at the park; I walked up to her.

"Excuse me um... is it alright if my little sister has the swing?"

"Oh yeah sure, sorry" her voice sounded like an angel.

"You don't have to be sorry. By the way my name is Blaine I've just moved here" I claimed putting my hand out waiting for her to shake it.

"My name is _________" she held her hand in mine, they fitted perfectly.

"Bow you can push me now" we carried on gazing into each other's eyes; it was like we were the only two people on the earth.

"I think your sister wants a push on the swing"

"Oh yeah right" we let go of each other's hands and I moved behind the swing and slowly pushed it (Well she is 4)

"So where did you move from?" she asked whilst I was pushing my sister.

"From Florida in America" I smiled.

"I gathered you were from America just didn't know where abouts" she giggled; it was so adorable.

"So do you live nearby? Not being a paedophile or anything" she giggled once more.

"I don't know it took me and Isabella 20 minutes to find this park so I'm guessing less than 20 minutes away. How about you?"

"I live just down the road from here."

Isabella and I stayed at the park until it began to get dark and plus mum text me._______ and I got to know each other a little more, we had a lot in common. We hugged and parted ways.

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