Seth ~ Music

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([His POV])

        My name his Seth and I am currently in a band called 'Scream Above Reverb' at the moment I am trying to get my band famous around the town. It is going pretty well but that was until the lead singer of our band quit on us because he felt that we weren't going anywhere. He took half of our fans and the money donated to us by their families. So we need to find a replacement soon if not then our band is no more; I really don't want that to happen.

        School isn't really going well either; my grades aren't what they should be but my mind wonders about new songs to play and venues to play at.

        I'm on my way home from school; I normally walk on my own since none of my friends live near me. I opened my front door and strolled upstairs into my room. Setting my bag in the middle of the floor I plopped down on my bed. My lyric book was on my desk; I stared at it having more songs in my head. I got up shuffling to my desk sitting down and opening the book.

        The door bell sounded. It must be the guys for band practice. I ran down stairs nearly tripping on the last few steps.

        "Hey man open up Jared can't hold part of his drum kit for very long"

        "Sorry dude just wait in front of the garage and I'll open it up" I ran into the kitchen grabbing the remote for the garage and pressing the up button. I set the remote down and headed outside and into the garage. We set up our instruments it felt a little weird without a singer but we can get through this; after practise auditions are going to be held for the lead.

        Our playlist normally consisted of:
21 guns~ Green Day
This is war~ 30 Seconds to mars
Ignorance~ Paramore
The Swarm~ You Me At Six

        Once we finished we were all sweating and stopped for some drinks and quick showers. I quickly got into my shower letting the hot water hit my back. I stepped out wrapping a towel around my waist. Calvin was waiting outside my bathroom door.

        "All yours. Be out quick because we don't have long until the auditions start" I claimed as I got changed into this:  I ran downstairs and into the garage setting up a table for us guys and the microphone for people doing the auditions.

        The boys come down quickly after getting comfortable for a long evening.

        Many people came through the door but nothing we were looking for. I mean they were brilliant just not the sound we are looking for. We were now getting tired; we had just one more singer left before we wrap things up continueing the next day.

        The last person waltzed in... A 5 ft 4 bright white liptstick It was a girl o.0 all of us were confused. Before we even could speak she rushed to the mic and said a few words.


        Call me soon about how you think I did
555 xxx xxx

        A week flew by and I never did call her back. The guys all agreed to let her be in the band and so did I but I was too nervous to text her let alone call her. But today is the day that I will call her; I need to get over the fact that she just waltzed in and sang amazing then walked out not saying a word just giving me the note.

        I dialed the number and sat at my desk tapping my fingers on the wood waiting for her to pick up. Her angelic voice rang through the other end.


        "Hey it's Seth from Scream Above Reverb I am calling to see if you want to meet up some time and sort out the lead singer position" I claimed waiting for her responce.

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