Hunter ~ Class Clown

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It was an ordinary day when I sat at the back of the classroom gazing out the window seeing the willow tree that I sat under lunch time no matter what the weather. I was interrupted when I heard the door open I turned my head to see Hunter. Hunter is what everyone likes to call the prankster but I like to call him the class clown; because he always does something stupid which I find annoying or *stupid*. He does all these pranks in every single class he has got. How do I know you may ask? It's because I am in every single one of his classes that's how I know. I peered out the window trying to ignore the laughs surrounding the entire room.

        "Hunter go sit down now!" Ms Saunders shouted.

        "Just you wait" he whispered to Paul his best friend as he was sitting down. My concentration was now to the front. Ms Saunders shuffled over to her desk. I watched as she sat down.

        "3...2...1" I heard Hunter count down. A scream was heard as you could see the teacher try and get up from her chair but realized that the chair itself went with her as she stood. A chorus of laughter sounded through the class room. I rolled my eyes in anger. It was the oldest in the book and he still done it. I saw Hunter stand up bowing for everyone; they retaliated with clapping. Ms Saunders was furious now her face began going red with anger. She tried to get herself off of the chair and failed miserably.

        "HUNTER STEVENS GO TO THE PRINCIPLES OFFICE NOW!" she screamed making loads of people jump in the class room. Hunter got out of his seat heading towards the door. People were high fiving him as he past which I saw his famous grin appear before my eyes. I scoffed at his ignorance and watched the teacher struggle out of the class room leaving everyone go back to the fits of laughter.

[*Time skip to lunch*]

        I was waiting in the food line for my lunch. I peered down for a few seconds when I felt someone push me. I glared up into the eyes of Hunter.

        "Thanks for the spot" he winked at me giving me a smirk. The anger just them poured out of me. You could laterally see the steam coming off my face. I didn't say anything and carried on walking in the line. I coulnd't get in a fight with this guy. I was like a stick compared to his muscular body. I didn't feel like eating that much and just grabbed an apple, ham sand which and a bottle of water. Once I was finally out of the line I made my way out of the cafeteria ignoring the stares I was being given. The willow tree was just up a head. I plopped down with a thud. I began eating my food when I saw some doors open and who walks out ? Hunter and his friends. There are some tables outside for people to sit at but why him?

        During lunch time I couldn't concentrate on my peace instead all I can hear is Hunter and his friends shouting and having a good time. Right now I am on my way to algebra when the teacher points to me and says to stay behind after school. What have I done? I trudged my way over right to the back so no one can bother me when in walks Hunter all high and mighty. I was very surprised when he never did a prank on the teacher this lesson I wonder what was said in the principle's office? Wait! I don't give a crap on what happened. What is with me lately?

        The bell rang signaling time to go home; but sadly I had to stay behind for some random reason. I havn't done anything bad.

        "Hunter stay behind please" the teacher called out.

        "Why?" he moaned sulking back in the class room.

        "Because I need to speak with you and ________" he peered over at me for a minute. I glanced back; we locked eyes for a second and both looked away at the same time.

        "Right you two. Hunter I am very dissapointed in your grades so far they are really low" Hunter looked away in embarrassment.

        "That's why I have got ________ here to tutor you"

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