Shadow ~ The Abused

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I woke up around about 4 in the morning getting ready as usual; soon after it was 7 by the time was ready and dressed so I went down stairs grabbed a bite to eat and sat and watched MTV for the time being...

        I was sat there in homeroom a waiting for the bell to ring. I took a quick glance to my left seeing shadow sat there looking down, I just really wanted to go up to and say hello but I heard that he always pushes people and keeps him to himself. I've never seen anyone near him at lunch. I kept twiddling my fingers, staring down at my desk. An idea popped into my head, I will talk to him maybe in art. A shuffle came to the left of me; I gazed upon Shadow bending down near my desk picking up what looked like a pencil.

        "Sorry" a small whisper sounded from his red smooth lips. I nearly died rite then and there.

        "It's okay" I squealed looking into his deep brown eyes. I could feel myself blush under the look he was giving me. We stayed like that for a good couple of minutes but then the stupid bell rang and we broke our stare and went to first period which in my case was maths.

        On my way to my lesson I heard shouting walked past my locker but then stopped at the corner listening in to the conversation they were having, I took a quick peak at who it was; you'd never guess it was Shadow. (I know u knew :D)

        "I know dad I will be straight home..." a few mumbling sounds came through the phone.

        "I won't be late ok I need to get going to class bye" he hung up and just stood there for a good 2 minutes. Soon after he came round the corner so I rushed to my locker grabbing a few things; I rushed down the corridor and accidently smashed into Shadow.

        "I'm so sorry I didn't look where I was going!" I mumble under my breath. All he did was put his head down and walked off down the corridor heading towards god knows where. Pissed off I stormed all the way to maths thinking how inconsiderate he was. Sitting in my seat looking out the window seeing birds fly and the sun beaming down on the grass the teacher continued with the lecture he was giving us about how bad our grades where and how we need to pay attention that's when I zooned out and fell asleep. ( :D)

        I heard the bell rang and I shot out of the door heading to art, this was when I talked to Shadow. I soon sat down in my seat in art awaiting for Shadow to come. When he finally arrives I kept looking at him as he sat in the seat in front of me. Thinking of my next move I gently got up and walked over towards him sitting in the seat next to him.

        "Why were you so rude to me back there" I asked leaning closer to him so I could hear his answer.

        "What do you mean?" he's acting like nothing happened!

        "When I bumped into you in the corridor and said sorry you didn't do anything about it?"

        "I didn't need to"

        "What?" My anger was getting the best of me.

        "I didn't need to say anything you apologised and that was It really I don't have to explain everything to you like I don't need to explain anything to anyone...!" his voice raised as he stood up and shouted in my face"

        "WHY CANT YOU PEOPLE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP OR FRIENDSHIP SO DO ME A FAVOUR AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" after that he stormed out. The classroom fell silent as they all glared at me. No one really liked me for the stupid things I do but who gives a fuck certainty not me. I should go apologies; as I stood up people shouted stuff like:
'Why can't you leave anyone alone?'
'Stupid whore needs to get a life' and the list continues I just glared at them all and casually walked out into the narrow corridor. Franticly trying to find shadow was difficult I looked practically everywhere apart from one place. The boy's toilets. I opened the door to hear crying from one of the stalls.

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